Best Travel Agency Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business

Updated On November 24, 2023
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Travel is not only our passion, but it’s also our career.

Making a living by setting up an unforgettable adventure is not only fun to discover, but also quite rewarding.

The internet may seem like an enemy of that ideal, though.

With every airline, hotel, and even some restaurants online, individuals are getting better and better and planning their own trips.

While it may feel like frustration now, it might be time to use it and other space as an opportunity.

Here, we’re going to discuss ways to grow your travel agency through the power of marketing.

Digital Marketing

Social Media

Whether you love it or hate it, social media is everywhere.

Don’t believe the naysayers, Facebook alone has 3 billion active users each month.

There are 7 billion people on earth.

That means the reach from that one platform alone is untouchable in any other medium.

How can you leverage that reach for your travel agency?

The first is engaging with the public.

Have a business page with each social platform that makes sense and use it to connect with people.

Travel agencies don’t require clients to be local, you can chat with anyone.

People will find you if your content is interesting enough.

Second, you’ll want to run ads at least on Facebook.

It costs only $1 a day to run an ad on Facebook.

That $1 runs not only where it has been placed but also on Instagram and other websites.

Use the right targeting and you’ll generate leads.


Speaking of leads, make sure one of the required questions has a space for email addresses.

This is how you build an email list.

Once you have a list, start sending out monthly newsletters or promotional emails.

Those getting your emails know you and won’t submit your address as spam.

It will also keep those who have already shown an interest in traveling abreast of any deals they’d want to get in on.

Online Groups

Whether it’s on social media or other websites, there are groups for just about anything online.

Joining travel, networking, and business-minded groups will be easy access to people of varying interests in what you do.

Don’t just join and spam the page with your business, though.

Commenting, making posts, and showing enthusiasm will make you real and therefore relatable.

Too much business talk will turn others off.



Just like you, businesses of every sort are looking for ways to promote growth.

Creating relationships with businesses in destinations you work in the most is a great way to stay connected to the area and use the name.

For example, if your niche is Cancun, connect with a hotel, restaurant, and even an activity.

These owners will want to let you be the first to know about specials and events, so you can pass them on to your clients.

The more business you bring them, the more deals they will make you.


Find someone in your travel niche and work with them to create some extravagant trips.

Using those connections from the destination will be perfect in this scenario.

They tag you in a post about the trip you’ve built for them.

When they go on the trip, all those photos and videos will drive business your way.

Face-to-Face Time

Local Businesses

Getting online is great, but it doesn’t necessarily beat good, old-fashioned in-person meetings.

In fact, there are plenty of people who prefer looking someone in the eye than clicking their ad.

Meeting people where they are is a solid way to get more business.

In the same way, you get in touch with businesses at the destination of your choice and put that same effort into local businesses.

You can run promotions with them just like those far off.

A mutually successful campaign brings business to both partners.

Find businesses that make sense for your niche and use their products or services to boost your agency.

That can be through giveaways or even free sessions for info.

You decide.

Networking Events

Networking can be terribly boring but helpful for your reach.

Over 750 million vacation days go to waste by Americans each year.

That means, more likely than not, the person you’re talking to at one of these events could use a vacation.

Bring business cards that reflect your niche and hand out as many as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are people still using travel agencies?

Technology has definitely evolved the travel industry in ways no one could have predicted even 20 years ago.

So much info is available at the end of a click that it seems like travel agents would be out of business.

The reality is a bit different though.

While some have decided to make arrangements for themselves, there are still plenty of travelers out there who haven’t.

There are several reasons why one would not put together a trip themselves.

To start with, the convenience factor.

It takes a lot of research to successfully pull together a trip.

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or an international tour, there are so many little details involved.

Another point is knowledge.

Many travel to places they’ve never been and need help managing.

Not to mention, travel agents are often privy to deals or specials.

They may even be able to pull a few strings for surprises.

Working with a travel agent is still a treasured relationship.

Is it possible to make six figures as a travel agent?

Yes, it absolutely is!

Big money comes with big work, however.

There is a whole lot of effort that would go into being that financially viable.

That may sound intimidating, but it certainly isn’t out of reach.

To help achieve that goal, you really have to throw yourself into both the business and the marketing.

This means expanding knowledge with education, creating a network of like-minded agents to bounce ideas off of, being selective with client intake, and joining as many travel groups as you can.

All of this requires a lot of input to get results but in time it will be paid off.

Perhaps then you’ll be so busy putting together everyone else’s plans you’ll have to hire someone to do yours.

How can I make my travel agency stand apart?

These days, it’s not enough to have a name and good networking.

One thing that can offer a leg up on the competition is customization.

When you have time to sit and thoroughly listen to the wants it can make a difference.

Long gone are the days when travel agents could be successful with formulaic trips using the same template for everyone.

Everyone wants their own personal experience.

Doing the same things everyone else does lacks the ‘it’ factor many look for when traveling.

Many travelers want a wow factor so they can take amazing pictures for social media.

That may not be the best reason to pick a destination or excursion, but you might be surprised about how often that’s the goal.

Creating a unique itinerary is a strategic way to get people talking and name-dropping.

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