Looking at the overall average crime in Tucson does not tell the whole story.
While rated 121% higher than the national average, some areas are as much as 54% lower in crime.
Over 150 communities are based in Tucson, and only a few impoverished areas hold the highest portion of illegal activity.
Focus on the safest areas; this city of over 500,000 residents is a delightful place to visit or live.
Sprawling over 227 acres, the mountains, forests, and deserts form a serene retreat for beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities.

10 Safest Neighborhoods in Tucson
1. Saguaro Miraflores
Saguaro Miraflores is a safe and affordable area.
With a population of 2,236, it has been rated the safest place to live in Tucson.
95% of residents own their homes, and the average income is around $54,000 annually.
The crime rate is nearly 80% lower than the city’s average.
It is a small city with 615 residents, and the public schools are highly rated.
2. Houghton
Houghton is considered one of the best places to live in Tucson.
According to FBI crime data statistics, 39 crimes were reported in 2023, and the city has a population of 2,600.
The living expenses are slightly higher than the median city average, but this is a good trade-off considering the low crime rate.
The average home is valued at $352,000, and the median rent is $1700.00 per month.
The unemployment rate is 1.6%, making this area a desirable place to live.
3. Prince Tucson
The affordable rent in Prince Tucson is $1,009 monthly, and the average home price is $274,700.
The crime rate is 32.45%, below the national average.
Young professionals choose to rent in the area, and restaurants and parks are abundant for a pleasant living.
Highly rated schools, affordability, and low crime rates attract many newcomers to this area of 2,295 residents.
4. Tucson Park West
Different areas in Tucson Park West are safer than others.
The southwest part of the community is safer than the central portion, with five reported crimes per 1,000 people.
With 3,363 residents, pockets of crime occur mainly in public places.
Parks and recreational areas are separated from homes and apartments, making home crime less tempting.
However, security systems are recommended to residents for further safety.
Most of the residents consist of young professionals with an income of $53,000 annually.
5. Rita Ranch
Crime is worse in northwest neighborhoods than in the southwest.
Only 38% of the communities are considered safe to live in.
Assault is the highest-ranking type of crime, at 3.7% per 1000 residents.
The safest areas are family-oriented, and the schools are A-ranked.
There are 14,500 citizens in Rita Ranch, and the median home price is 233,000.
According to Niche, it is rated #5 as one of the best neighborhoods in Tucson.
6. Desert Palms Park
This small neighborhood has 860 residents.
All utilities are underground, and almost every home has a picturesque view of the Catalina Mountains.
Created in 1959, the idea was to create an affordable housing community with safe streets.
Desert Palms Park is safer than 93% of the cities in Arizona.
Not without their share of robberies and break-ins, they are still 44% below the national average.
7. Corona de Tucson
This area is considered one of the best in Tucson for buying a home.
The median home value is $257,000, and rent is $1500 monthly.
Corona de Tucson has a population of 9627, and the public schools are highly rated.
The southern part of the city has 0 violent crimes, while areas with businesses and parks have slightly higher rates.
Residents consider it safe for their children to walk to school.
This is an excellent area to raise children and visit on vacation.
8. Eastside
Eastside ranks 12th in one of the best cities in Tucson.
The population is nearly 5000, and the median household income is $91,387 annually.
There is a 1 in 61 chance of being a victim of a crime, and this city is deemed safer than 88% of all Tucson.
Public schools have an average rating, and the housing options are good.
There are scorching spots where crime is a problem and employment opportunities are high.
9. Mesquite Ranch
Newer homes can be found in this city of 945 residents.
Walking paths, playgrounds, and several parks make Mesquite Ranch desirable for families.
Community activities are high, and it is considered the 10th safest city in Tucson by Upgraded Home Research.
Crime statistics show that Mesquite Ranch has a 25% lower national average in all crime areas.
10. Catalina Foothills
Retirees and wealthy families can be found in the Catalina Foothills.
Homes range from $450,000 to $1,000,00.
The population is approximately 50,000, and the annual income is $20,000.
You need your transportation in this area as public transportation is not available.
The overall crime grade is A-.
Property crime is the highest, with violent crimes almost non-existent.

5 Safety Tips for Traveling to Tucson
Tucson has changed over the past 2 years.
Homicide has doubled, and theft is two and a half times higher than the national average.
However, by making travel plans to specific locations, you will enjoy the desert scenery and cultural events that make Tucson a great vacation.
Here are some tips for staying safe in this large city and surrounding suburbs.
- Transportation – Taxis, buses, and rental cars are available, depending on your plans. Safety has an A rating as long as you take personal precautions. Keep your possessions close to your body, and never leave items unattended. It can be difficult to walk the streets as the area is so sprawling.
- Areas to Avoid – A poverty-stricken neighborhood can be just around the corner from a highly rated, safe suburb. Visit a website that lays out the worst areas and stay clear of them. For example, midtown and eastside neighborhoods are more prone to crime than those located south of Oro Valley. Stay on the main roads to avoid ending up in less-than-desirable areas.
- Respect the Heat – Arizona is hot. Never leave your lodging without a full water bottle. The best time for outdoor activities is early morning to 11 AM. Triple-digit temperatures rise quickly, and dehydration or heatstroke can happen very quickly.
- Watch out for Critters – The desert offers various types of animals and insects. If you venture to the city’s outskirts, watch for Javelinas. These pig-like animals roam the area and are not friendly. Another worry is scorpions. They can find a way into living spaces where the air is cool. Always shake out your shoes to avoid stepping on one. They bite when feeling threatened.
- If you can’t resist stargazing in the mountain-covered scenario, book a tour where your safety will be watched closely. You never know when a rattlesnake might appear in the evening hours.
Tucson Safety Overview
READ THE FULL REPORT: Tucson Safety Review
Safety Index:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some sights to include on my visit to Tucson?
The Santa Catalina Ranger District is located in the Coronado National Forest and is considered a top tourist attraction.
Valley of the Moon is an exciting art-inspired fairyland.
Trail Dust Town is a replica of the old West as it appeared earlier.
Is it safe to go hiking in the mountains?
The largest threat to hiking is the risk of getting lost.
There are many acres to consider, and even the most experienced hikers can soon be turned around.
Hiking tours are the safest way to explore the mountainous area.
Is it safe to drink tap water?
The water is regularly tested and is in full compliance.
Conserving water may be an issue at times with low water supply.
If you have any concerns, always carry bottled water.