As per the United States Census Bureau, the population of Indiana stood at 6,732 million residents, as of 2019.
The total crimes reported in Indiana were 144,614, or alternatively, 21.31 to 28.29 incidents per 1,000 residents in this state.
When broken down, the numbers indicate 24,161 incidents of violent crime and 120,453 incidents of property crime.
Residents have a 1 in 281 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime and a 1 in 56 chance of becoming a victim of property crime in this state.
The state of Indiana has the 23rd lowest overall crime rate in the US and the 27th lowest violent crime rate of all the states in the US.
10 Safest Cities in Indiana
The following cities are the safest ten cities as reported for the 2021 period according to the latest crime statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics for the 2018 period.
This list does not include cities with a population of less than 10,000 and focuses on city population, number of law enforcement per 1,000 residents, and number of crimes reported.

1. St. John
First on the list is the city of St. John, which is situated in Lake County, Indiana.
The city has a fairly small population of around 17,615 residents.
The city has approximately 23 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.31 officials for every 1,000 residents.
During the period in question, there were a total of 114 crimes reported in this location with 3 incidents of violent crime and 111 incidents of property crime.
To put this into perspective, for every 1,000 residents in this area there were 0.17 violent crimes reported and 6.30 property crimes reported, totaling 6.47 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the average household income for St. John’s is 105,852 USD per household or, alternatively, 45,212 USD per individual.

2. Dyer
The city of Dyer is located in St. John Township, Lake County, Indiana.
The population of this city is around 15,880 residents.
There are approximately 35 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 2.20 officials for every 1,000 residents.
Dyer reported a total of 143 crimes in this location with 10 incidents of violent crime and 133 incidents of property crime.
Essentially, for every 1,000 residents in this area, there were 0.63 violent crimes reported and 8.38 property crimes reported, totaling 9.01 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the average household income for Dyer is 84,202 USD per household or, alternatively, 42,229 USD USD per individual.

3. Chesterton
The town of Chesterton is situated in Westchester, Jackson, and Liberty townships in Porter County, Indiana.
The town of Chesterton has a population of 13,561 residents and 26 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.92 officials for every 1,000 residents.
There were a total of 143 crimes reported with 11 incidents of violent crime and 111 incidents of property crime.
For every 1,000 residents, there were 0.81 violent crimes reported and 8.19 property crimes reported, totaling 9.00 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 73,977 USD per household or, alternatively, 36,851 USD per individual.

4. Carmel
Carmel is situated in Clay Township in Hamilton County, Indiana.
It has a population of 94,128 residents and 140 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.49 officials for every 1,000 residents.
A total of 759 crimes were reported with 43 incidents of violent crime and 716 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 0.46 violent crimes reported and 7.61 property crimes reported, totaling 8.06 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 112,765 USD per household or, alternatively, 53,097 USD per individual.

5. West Lafayette
West Lafayette is a town situated in Wabash Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana with a population of 46,906 residents and 70 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.49 officials for every 1,000 residents.
432 crimes were reported during this period with 31 incidents of violent crime and 401 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 0.66 violent crimes reported and 8.55 property crimes reported, totaling 9.21 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 58,235 USD per household or, alternatively, 34,650 USD per individual.

6. Fishers
The city of Fishers is situated in Fall Creek and Delaware townships, Hamilton County, Indiana, with a population of 94,035 residents and 125 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.33 officials for every 1,000 residents.
A total of 861 crimes were reported with 46 incidents of violent crime and 815 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 0.49 violent crimes reported and 8.67 property crimes reported, totaling 9.16 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 109,454 USD per household or, alternatively, 53,792 USD per individual.

7. Brownsburg
Brownsburg is a town in Hendricks County, Indiana, with a population of 26,525 residents and 49 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.85 officials for every 1,000 residents.
During this period, the town of Brownsburg reported a total of 297 crimes, including 33 incidents of violent crime and 264 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 1.24 violent crimes reported and 9.95 property crimes reported, totaling 11.20 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 78,877 USD per household or, alternatively, 35,436 USD per individual.

8. Noblesville
Noblesville is the county seat of and is situated in Hamilton County, Indiana.
It has a population of 63,315 residents and 92 law enforcement officials or, alternatively, 1.45 officials for every 1,000 residents.
The city reported a total of 648 crimes, including 59 incidents of violent crime and 589 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 0.93 violent crimes reported and 9.30 property crimes reported, totaling 10.23 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 82,218 USD per household or, alternatively, 39,102 USD per individual.

9. Crown Point
Crown Point is the county seat of and is situated in Lake County, Indiana.
The city has a population of 29,884 residents.
In addition, there are 51 law enforcement officials employed in this city, or, alternatively, 1.71 officials for every 1,000 residents.
During this period, Crown Point residents have reported a total of 341 crimes, including 6 incidents of violent crime and 335 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 0.20 violent crimes reported and 11.21 property crimes reported, totaling 11.41 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 876,927 USD per household or, alternatively, 37,965 USD per individual.

10. Valparaiso
Valparaiso is the county seat of and is situated in Porter County, Indiana with a population of 33,610 residents.
Furthermore, there are 63 law enforcement officials actively working in this city, or, alternatively, 1.87 officials for every 1,000 residents.
During this period, Valparaiso residents have reported a total of 439 crimes, including 37 incidents of violent crime and 402 incidents of property crime.
Alternatively, for every 1,000 residents, there were 0.1.10 violent crimes reported and 11.96 property crimes reported, totaling 13.06 incidents of crime per 1,000 residents.
The average household income is 59,533 USD per household or, alternatively, 30,942 USD per individual.
5 Safety Tips for Traveling to Indiana
The overall risk to travelers and tourists that make their way to this state is approximately medium, with women traveling alone being most at risk.
In addition to this, the most prevalent crime that tourists should be aware of is terrorism and muggings.
- Always keep car doors locked and avoid dangerous areas, dark areas, or areas known for high levels of crime. Having said that, it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with which areas to avoid in this state.
- Do not travel or venture out in this state alone. It may be a better option to always go out in groups of three or more, as criminals in this state tend to wander at night with their sights set on finding tourists who travel alone.
- Keep an eye out for weather warnings. Always be alert about weather conditions in this state. Especially if you are not familiar with driving in the snow. There are certain safety precautions that need to be taken when traveling in a vehicle where there has been heavy snow. If you are unfamiliar with these rules, it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself before venturing out, or, opt to take an Uber instead.
- Always drive attentively and defensively. Try not only to keep your eyes on the road but also try to anticipate what other drivers on the road may do. Always be alert when on the road and especially be alert to your surroundings at all times. Be aware that GPS devices have been known to give the wrong location directions or be outdated. Do not always rely on the GPS system.
- Always keep extra supplies with you at all times.
Indiana Safety Overview
READ THE FULL REPORT: Indiana Safety Review
Safety Index:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most dangerous city in Indiana?
South Bend is the most dangerous city with the highest crime and poverty rates.
What is the most common crime in this state?
Larceny and burglary are the most common crimes.
Is there a risk of extreme weather conditions in this state?
There is always a risk as the weather is unpredictable.
However, over the last few years, there have been little to no extreme weather conditions reported.
These cities exemplify the commitment to creating secure and welcoming environments, making them attractive options for individuals and families looking for safety in Indiana.
I’ve lived in one of these cities, and the strong sense of community and low crime rates contribute to a safe and pleasant environment.