10 Safest Cities in Hungary

Updated On October 10, 2023

Hungary is located in Central Europe. It is a landlocked country that is approximately the size of the state of Indiana.

Most of the counties experience relatively low to extremely low crime rates.

The following crime statistics were obtained from The Hungarian Central Statistical Office and focus on crime per region.

It is therefore safe to assume that most cities in a specific county are safe. 

Based on information from MacroTrends.com, as of 2020, Hungary had a homicide/murder rate of 0.83% per 100,000 residents, which was an increase of 25% from the previous year.

With a population of approximately 9.7 million residents, that equals roughly 870 murders and homicides per 100,000 residents for the year 2020.

Furthermore, the most prominent crime in Hungary is corruption. 

Safest Cities in Hungary

Nógrád County, Hungary
Nógrád County, Hungary

1. Nógrád County

Nógrád County sits in northern Hungary and borders Slovakia.

As of the 2015 census, the county had a population of 195,923 and an area of 29,54 km². 

The capital is Salgótarján.

Of all the counties in Hungary, it is the smallest by population and size.

The county is most popular for its ancient Gothic churches and stone castles which date back to the 13th century.

There are five towns and 25 villages in this county. 

Looking at the period from 2009 to 2020, the region saw a spike and then a rapid decline in crime.

In 2009, there were 6,138 crimes reported in the region, to the authorities.

The area saw an increase in crimes reported, year-on-year until 2013, when crime reached a peak, with 10,643 crimes reported.

The trend went on a decline over the following years until 2020, when there were only 2,637 crimes reported.

Of these crimes, 218 were battery charges, 75 were drug-related crimes, 228 were offenses of driving under the influence of narcotics or alcohol, 19 were assault charges of a public official, 220 were charges of public nuisance, and 747 were charges of larceny. 

Vas County, Hungary
Vas County, Hungary

2. Vas County

Vas County, previously a part of the Hungarian Kingdom, is located in western Hungary.

As of 2015, Vas had a population of 253,997 residents and an area size of about 3 336 km².

The county is well-known for its cultural and historical past.

Today, it is one of the most successful economies in Hungary with a booming tourist industry.

There are 12 towns and 203 villages in Vas County. 

Vas County had a total of 7,045 crimes reported in 2009.

From this period through to 2020, the county saw a steady decline in the number of crimes reported.

In 2020, there were 3,156 crimes reported.

Of these crimes, larceny seemed to be the most prominent crime, with a total of 687 cases reported for 2020.

This trend was followed by public nuisance with a total of 262 crimes reported, and driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, with 260 crimes reported.

There were 136 charges of battery, 111 drug-related charges, and only seven charges of common assault. 

Zala County, Hungary
Zala County, Hungary

3. Zala County

Zala County is located in southwestern Hungary and is named after the Zala River.

The county borders Slovenia and Croatia.

It has a population of 277,290 residents and an area of 3 784 km².

One of the primary attractions of the region is its spas, historical castles, and museums draped in history.

There are nine towns and 248 villages in the region.

Zala County had a total of 8,946 crimes reported in 2009.

The trend peaked in 2011 with 11,148 reported crimes, and again in 2016, with 26,593 crimes reported.

After 2016, there was a downward trajectory until 2020, with 3,420 crimes reported.

The biggest problem here seems to be larceny with 713 crimes in 2020, followed by driving under the influence with 302 crimes.

There were 176 cases of drug-related offenses, 1,369 cases of public nuisance, 112 of battery, and the lowest, 23 common assaults. 

Tolna, Hungary
Tolna, Hungary

4. Tolna

Tolna County is located in central Hungary and was previously the Kingdom of Hungary.

As of 2015, the county had a population of 225,936 residents and covered an area of 3 703 km². 

The county is also known for its many beautiful castles, palaces, and historical sites.

There are ten towns, five large villages, and 93 smaller villages in this county. 

Tolna County has seen fluctuating levels of crime since 2009 when there was a total of 7,616 crimes reported, to 2020 when only 3,714 crimes were reported.

The biggest crime trend, like much of Hungary, in this area, is larceny.

In 2020, 806 cases of larceny were reported in the county, followed by 249 cases of battery and 278 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.

There were a total of 210 cases of public nuisance in 2020, 152 cases of drug use or drug-related crimes, and 12 cases of common assault. 

Békés County, Hungary
Békés County, Hungary

5. Békés County

Békés County is located in south-eastern Hungary.

The capital of the county is also named Békés.

As of 2015, the population of this country was 351 148 and it covered an area of 5 630 km². 

Tourism is thriving here and there are a few well-known landmarks in the region.

There are 21 towns, eight large villages, and 45 smaller villages in this county.

Békés County has seen a steady decline in reported crimes from 2009 to 2020 with 10,632 and 4,087 crimes reported respectively.

The biggest crime trend here is larceny with 993 cases reported in 2020, followed by 288 cases of public nuisance, 298 cases of driving under the influence, and 182 drug-related crimes.

There were 208 cases of battery reported in the same year, and 15 cases of assault.  

Komárom-Esztergom County, Hungary
Komárom-Esztergom County, Hungary

6. Komárom-Esztergom County

Komárom-Esztergom County is located in Central Hungary and has a population of 299 110 with an area of 2 265 km².

There are 11 towns, three large villages, and 61 small and medium-sized villages. 

In 2009, there were 12,665 crimes reported that gradually declined to 4,236 cases in 2020.

Again, their biggest concern is larceny with 964 cases reported, followed by 436 cases of drug-related crimes, 482 cases of driving under the influence, 134 cases of public nuisance, 196 of battery, and 13 of common assault.

It is still one of the safer regions in the country. 

Veszprén County, Hungary
Veszprén County, Hungary

7. Veszprén County

Veszprém County is located in central Hungary and has a capital city by the same name.

The population is around 346 647 residents and the county covers approximately 4 464 km².

Previously known as the industrial hub of Hungary, most of the income now stems from tourism.

Crime is also fairly low.

The county saw 4,390 crimes reported in 2020.

Larceny was the most prominent with 882 cases reported, followed by driving under the influence (525 cases), 270 cases of public nuisance, 240 drug-related cases, 190 cases of battery, and 23 cases of common assault.

It is fairly safe to walk around alone at night here. 

Somogy County, Hungary
Somogy County, Hungary

8. Somogy County

Somogy County is located in the southwestern part of the country and previously formed part of the Kingdon of Hungary.

The county has a population of 312 084 residents and covers an area of 6 065 km².

 There are 13 cities in this county.

Crime has been declining over the past decade and only 4,319 crimes were reported in 2020.

Like much of the country, larceny is the biggest culprit with 966 cases, followed by driving under the influence, with 551 cases reported in 2020.

Public nuisance, drug-related charges, and battery followed with 167, 152, and 235 cases reported respectively.

There were a total of 22 common assault charges. 

Heves County, Hungary
Heves County, Hungary

9. Heves County 

Heves County, in northern Hungary, has a population of 301,296 and covers an area of 3 637 km².

There are ten towns in this county with 110 villages. 

Crime here has also seen a steady decline in the past decade.

In 2020, there was a total of 4,397 crimes reported. A total of 1,626 cases of larceny were reported in 2020.

Other crimes included driving under the influence (351), public nuisance(244), battery(192), drug-related charges(125), and common assault(16).  

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, Hungary
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, Hungary

10. Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County is located in east-central Hungary.

The region is known for its warm springs and wells.

The county has a population of 371,271 residents and covers an area of 5,581.61 kmwith 21 towns and 56 villages. 

In 2020, there were 4,958 crimes reported.

Of these crimes, larceny was the highest, with 1,718 crimes reported.

This was followed by 573 instances of driving under the influence, 298 of public nuisance, 193 cases of battery, and 95 drug-related charges, 17 assault charges.

These statistics do not include cases of petty theft.

These types of crimes are higher in cities and towns that have developed tourism industries.

5 Safety Tips for Traveling to Hungary

  • Avoid traveling to Ukraine from Hungary as there is an ongoing war and the situation is volatile.
  • Remain vigilant. Petty crime is prominent on public transport and in tourist areas.
  • Some food and drink establishments overcharge. Always check prices on the menu before ordering and confirm with the waitstaff. Disputes may lead to violence. 
  • Never leave bags unattended in public spaces. Petty crime is rife in some areas.
  • Remain alert for terrorism. There are terror attacks across Europe. 

Hungary Safety Overview

READ THE FULL REPORT: Hungary Safety Review

Safety Index:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Covid test to enter Hungary if I am vaccinated?

Hungary does not require proof of status when entering.

Is public transport developed in Hungary?


Their system is efficient and comprehensive.

What is Hungary mostly known for?

It is most known for its spa towns and hot springs.

4 Comments on 10 Safest Cities in Hungary

  1. Hungary is a relatively safe country with low crime rates, but it’s always important to remain vigilant and take precautions while traveling.

  2. R
    Rachel Erhart says:

    Interesting to see Debrecen ranked as one of the safest. I’ve heard great things about the city and its cultural events. Can’t wait to visit!

  3. R
    Ryan De Guzman says:

    This is a really helpful guide! I’ve been considering moving to Hungary, and safety is a top priority for me.

  4. V
    Viviene Sale says:

    I’ve been living in Szeged for a few years now, and it’s wonderful to see it on this list. It truly feels safe and welcoming.

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