10 Safest Cities in Honduras

Updated On October 10, 2023

According to Honduras Travel, most of the country is safe.

However, I assumed this may be a biased opinion from a location destination promoter. 

On the other hand, the person who said that this area isn’t that dangerous lived there for 25 years.

With that in mind, I decided to explore more facts about this place. 

10 Safest Cities in Honduras

Keep this in mind when reading about the 10 safest cities in Honduras: Many of the locations you might hear about are dangerous and often apply to tourists.

It’s often about regional politics or some shady criminal ring that affects the people connected to it. 

As long as you’re not a part of the “wrong crowd,” your risk is probably quite low.

Try not to worry too much and just avoid eye contact with people unless you have to talk to them. 

On the other hand, reading reports stating that Honduras has the highest homicide rates per capita in the world may freak you out.

I say that is rightfully so.

However, crimes against American tourists often involve trying to take advantage of their perceived wealth, not murder.

Still, be cautious everywhere you go, even in the so-called “10 safest Honduras cities.” 

Copan Ruinas, Honduras
Copan Ruinas, Honduras

1. Copan Ruinas 

Copan Ruinas features an archeological park that offers historical evidence of earlier civilizations.

What’s more, it has a natural area called Maca Mountain Bird Park. 

This, along with the town’s famous cobblestone paths, could give you reason enough to risk coming here.

Recommended geographical landmarks and wildlife attractions include Macaw Mountain and Bird Park.

The safest places include the archeological trails and the towns as well as the main natural areas. 

Guanaja, Honduras
Guanaja, Honduras

2. Guanaja 

Guanaja sees fewer people than the other two Bay Islands of Utila and Roatan.

If you know anything about remote areas, it’s sometimes easy to hide.

If you’re not seen, it’s kind of hard to let any criminal activity affect you.

Other than that, it seems like such a lovely Honduran beach location for that much-needed rest and relaxation. 

Utila, Honduras
Utila, Honduras

3. Utila

For some reason, Utila attracts quite a few young travelers.

There’s even a video called “If You Come to Utila” that describes this notion.

A ferry transports passengers from this island to Roatan, which not only young people but anyone of any age can enjoy.

Roatan, Honduras
Roatan, Honduras

4. Roatan

Many cruise ships pass through Roatan.

It’s called one of the most popular Honduras destinations.

I heard it is called “safe,” but it does entice tourists to perhaps buy a bunch of trinkets they don’t need. 

Still, I wouldn’t mind boarding one of those cruises.

It’s been way too long since the first time I was on one. 

Buying souvenirs can be fun, and it helps you remember the time you had, but beware.

Don’t walk around anywhere at night alone, especially between West End and West Bay.

It’s better to take either land or water shuttle service to wherever you want to go.

Even then, see to it that the driver is verified. 

Comayagua, Honduras
Comayagua, Honduras

5. Comayagua 

Comayagua is the Colonial Capital of Honduras.

Apparently, it’s an overlooked destination.

I would take that to mean one of two things: Either you can get away with murder (literally) or you can feel safe here because maybe not that many people show up here. 

You can access Comayagua between the highway that runs between Sula, Tegucigalpa, and San Pedro.

It has experienced a downtown design overhaul, so that sounds promising. 

La Ceiba, Honduras
La Ceiba, Honduras

6. La Ceiba 

The Cangrejal River has been called the “nicest” area in La Ceiba.

You could probably call it the “safest” too, in contrast to where all the nightlife occurs. 

If you must hit the streets after dark, however, you may want to try the Container Bar or Recuerdos.

Don’t worry.

Those aren’t the only places if you don’t like them.

It’s best to search from your location to find what’s near you. 

I suggest making sure you know what neighborhood you’re “getting yourself into” regardless of where in Honduras you go.

Entering La Ceiba is no exception to that rule. 

Tela, Honduras
Tela, Honduras

7. Tela 

Tela has become one of the most preferred Honduran beach destinations.

Both the city and the Garifuna Villages are said to be safe. 

It’s not advised to walk along the shore at night by yourself.

If you do, it’s at your own risk.

The greatest danger lies between small communities established near them. 

Gracias, Honduras
Gracias, Honduras

8. Gracias 

Some of the hot springs and the Celaque National Park are among the safest places to visit.

It also provides a variety of accommodations, some of which may feel safer than others.

Juan Orlando Hernández led the development of Gracias. 

Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

9. Santa Rosa de Copan 

I’d risk my life just to try some of the coffee that’s sold here.

Fortunately, it’s considered one of the safest locations in the country. 

I’m not saying it’s completely crime free.

Don’t think you can trust everyone.

However, it’s been a recommended place for children, their parents, and even their grandparents. 

Lake Yojoa, Honduras
Lake Yojoa, Honduras

10. Lake Yojoa 

Lake Yojoa has a relaxed feel to it.

This laid-back attitude probably causes little friction among the people who live here.

I can believe that it’s quite safe just because of that.

Of course, you should still use caution. 

Don’t be naive.

However, this body of water and its shores that sit between two national parks is one of the safest places in Honduras.

5 Safety Tips For Traveling to Honduras

1. Use Common Sense to Stay Safe

“Refrain from getting blind drunk and then walking out on the street with strangers,” says John Dupuis of Honduras Travel.

Dupuis also says that you should not do things you would not do at home.

For instance, don’t think that going to a country other than the one you were born in gives you a license to do street drugs.

You can get in trouble, if not in Honduras, in your native birthplace.

2. Dress As You Live There

You don’t necessarily have to wear raggedy shirts or jeans with holes in them.

However, you may benefit from “toning it down a notch.”

Don’t wear your dangly, shiny silver earrings and the most expensive gold chain or rings, for instance. 

Some residents living in poverty may feel intimidated by it for starters.

However, the real reason you shouldn’t “dress up” too much is that thieves might confiscate your prized items.

Then, they will sell them for cash. 

By the way, this isn’t a stereotypical thing.

Even here in the U.S., you can get in trouble wearing the kind of clothing a wealthy person would wear (even if it’s generic, not brand name).

If you let on that you’re rich, you can also be taken advantage of by scams too. 

Put on your plainest outfits.

If you’re not sure what Honduran people wear, do a little research.

Then, look around you when you arrive.

This is not the time to “show off” your material goods. 

3. Use Caution on Public Transportation

Bus and train stations, airports, and en route on public transportation often are where pickpockets do their “best” work.

Bring as few belongings as possible with you when riding anywhere.

Keep them secured and out of sight either at home, in a hotel, or in your car. 

If you don’t need to use your laptop or smartphone on the bus or train, keep them concealed.

Otherwise, perhaps bring a spare mobile device that’s not as high-end.

This will help you avoid losing too much money if someone steals it. 

If it does get stolen, be thankful you’re still alive to tell the story about the theft.

What’s more, be grateful that theft will more than likely be the worst of your worries in Honduras. 

4. Withdraw Small Amounts of Money at a Time. 

If you must use cash in Honduras, don’t take out all your cash from the ATM at once.

It’s also best to not withdraw money after dark.

If you don’t have to use paper money at the places you go, make sure you also hide your debit cards as well as you possibly can. 

5. Don’t Involve Yourself in Money Transfers For Strangers 

By 2022, many money transfer scams have already taken place online.

You can only imagine how much worse the situation is in person if you’re on vacation. 

Don’t let anyone put you in the middle of a fraudulent transaction.

What’s worse, you could become an accessory without even realizing it.

Don’t do it unless you know the parties involved. 

Honduras Safety Overview

READ THE FULL REPORT: Honduras Safety Review

Safety Index:

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas of Honduras should you avoid?

According to the UK Government, you shouldn’t walk around San Pedro Sula Airport for any longer than you must.

Tegucigalpa, the Capital City of Honduras, also experiences high rates of crime, particularly in its city centers.

Be careful on any public transportation you use.

How do you call for help in Honduras?

If you’re an American, you can call “911” for immediate assistance in a life or death situation.

You also can reach the U.S. Embassy during regular business hours.

Emergencies include illness, injury, arrest or abduction, sensitive crime victimization, and death of a U.S. loved one.

Honduras also has its own emergency numbers.

You can find them here.

Does Honduras experience terrorism?

The country has experienced terrorism at a rate of about 2.02 on average from 2002-2019.

The threat is real but low, as opposed to a “10” rating being the highest.

8 Comments on 10 Safest Cities in Honduras

  1. C
    Chasman says:

    Honduras has a low threat of terrorism? The gang activity is most assuredly terrorism.

  2. W
    Wayne Bowers says:

    I’ve always been fascinated by the rich culture and natural beauty of Honduras. It’s great to see a list of the safest cities, as safety is a top priority for any traveler. I’ve visited Tegucigalpa and Roatan before, and they truly offer a unique blend of history and relaxation.

  3. A
    Annika Whitaker says:

    Honduras has been on my travel bucket list for a while, and safety is a crucial factor in my decision-making process. Thanks for compiling this list! I’ve heard amazing things about Copán Ruinas and La Ceiba, and knowing they’re among the safest cities makes me even more excited to plan my trip. Any tips from fellow travelers who have been to these cities?

    1. LA Ceiba was also listed #4 on the most dangerous version.

  4. S
    Shepard Stanley says:

    Safety is our top concern when planning family vacations, so this list is incredibly helpful. We’ve been to San Pedro Sula and Utila, and both were fantastic experiences. The friendly locals and vibrant atmosphere made us feel right at home. Planning to explore the other cities mentioned soon, especially Gracias and its historic charm.

  5. P
    Peter Petersen says:

    As a solo traveler, safety is my utmost priority. I appreciate this comprehensive list of the safest cities in Honduras. I’ve been eyeing Roatan for its stunning beaches and diving opportunities, and knowing it’s among the safest cities gives me the confidence to plan my solo adventure there.

  6. M
    Moises Griffin says:

    Honduras has so much to offer beyond its beautiful landscapes, and safety is key for a fulfilling travel experience. I’m intrigued by the inclusion of Santa Rosa de Copán in the list. Exploring colonial architecture and immersing myself in the local culture sounds like an incredible journey. Can anyone share their cultural experiences in Santa Rosa de Copán?

  7. P
    Paul Velasquez says:

    I had traveled to Honduras for over 40 years, never been victim of anything. Stay on places where people go, malls, restaurants, movie theaters, etc and you will be fine. if need a Taxi call a ” Radio Taxi” they are safe at any hour. Avoid local buses. For long distance trips Honduras has good bus services, avoid cheap ” chicken” buses.

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