Where is Ghana Located in the World?
Ghana sits on the border of the Gulf of Guinea on the West African coast.
Its population includes over 30 million residents in this primarily peaceful country.
While many places in Ghana are safe for residents and tourists to visit, there are a few dangerous places in Ghana that travelers should beware of.
The Ghana Police Force reports almost one-hundred fifty thousand crimes in Ghana for 2021.
Most of the crimes reported in Ghana were in the Accra metro area, with outbreaks of high crime in the Ashanti and Eastern Regions.
What are the Most Common Crimes Reported in Ghana?
The Ghana Police Force says the most commonly reported crimes in Ghana include:
- Theft
- Assault
- Robbery
- Burglary
- Deception
*These are the top reported by Ghanaian officials. Other crimes reported in Ghana include fraud, drug-related offenses, causing harm, unlawful damage, murder, armed robbery, and other crimes.
What Factors Contribute to High Crime Rates in Ghana Cities?
Like most large metropolitan areas, overpopulation, poverty, and political injustice contribute to higher crime rates in Ghana’s dangerous cities.
Most cities on the list below have higher crime rates in specific areas of each town rather than the entire city itself.
People traveling to Ghana during election periods and times of civil unrest should beware that instances of political violence and related crimes are more likely to break out during these periods.
US travelers planning Ghana travel should follow all related local resources and register their trip with the United States Embassy in case of emergency during travel to Ghana.
10 Most Dangerous Cities in Ghana
The 2022 report compiled by the World Population Review lists the following metropolitan areas as ten of the most dangerous cities in Ghana.
- Ashaiman
- Nima
- Kwame Nkrumah Circle
- Bukom
- Sekondi
- Takoradi
- Kumasi
- Tamale
- Bolgatanga
- Sunyani

#1. – Ashaimain
Ashaimain is located just outside of Accra, the most populated city in Ghana.
Considered a suburb, Ashaimain has more than its fair share of thefts, robberies, and assaults that place it on the list of the most dangerous places in Ghana.
Residents and local travelers should also be careful of large crowds and issues with traffic congestion.
Latest Population Estimate: 400,924

#2. – Nima
Nima has a very high crime rate in the Ghana metropolitan area.
In addition, the population and proximity of this area’s millions of residents lend to increased instances of personal and property crimes against residents and tourists.
Latest Population Estimate: 72,919

#3. – Kwame Nkrumah Circle
Known as a major transportation center and commercial district in Accra, Kwame Nkrumah Circle is a major transportation and commercial center in the Accra area.
Local authorities say that parts of this area see higher instances of theft, pickpocketing, and assault.
These activities are more common in congested and overpopulated regions.
Latest Population Estimate: 2.96 million (Accra Metro)

#4. – Bukom
Bukom is another Accra-area neighborhood in Ghana with higher crime instances than other local districts.
This area is known for crimes that occur at night outside of popular nightclubs and venues in the area that draw large crowds.
Bukom is part of the Accra metropolitan area that reported over 2000 crimes in 2021.
Local Population Estimate: 2.96 million (Accra Metro)

#5. – Sekondi
Sekondi is located in Western Ghana and is known to have high crime rates in areas with overpopulation issues.
Like many cities in Ghana, the crimes in Sekondi are property crimes like burglary and theft.
The local authorities reported just over 300 crimes in this area in 2020.
Latest Population Estimate: 558,994

#6. – Takoradi
Takoradi is a city whose proximity places it in the Sekondi area.
Both towns share low-crime areas and moderate to high-crime areas with larger populations and more congested.
Personal property crimes, theft, and assault are the most commonly reported crimes.
Latest Population Estimate: 558,994

#7. – Kumasi
Kumasi is a city in Ghana’s Ashanti region.
While this area regularly reports average amounts of crime, there are areas of the city where robberies and assaults are more prevalent.
Like most overpopulated and highly congested cities in this region, the higher the population, the higher the crime rate.
Local officials reported 2,669 crimes in Kumasi for the year 2020.

#8. – Tamale
The Ghana Statistical Service reported the population of Tamale in Ghana’s Northern Region at just over 400,00- residents.
However, local officials also reported high numbers of robberies, assaults, and theft in densely populated areas as of 2020.
Latest Population Estimate: 410,000

#9. – Bolgatanga
Bolgatanga can be found in Ghana’s Upper Eastern Region.
Local reports show this area has property crimes and crimes against people, including kidnapping, assault, armed robbery, prostitution, and human trafficking.
There were just under 700 crimes reported in this area in 2020.
Latest Population Estimate: 139,864

#10. – Sunyani
Local Suyani officials report an ongoing problem with high crime in specific areas of the city.
Therefore, tourists visiting the town of Sunyani should take the same safety precautions as when visiting any other major metropolitan city, as there are instances of drug trafficking, armed robbery, and property crimes reported in this area.
Latest Population Estimate: 200,000
5 Safety Tips for Traveling in Ghana
While Ghana is primarily safe for residents and tourists, travelers must understand that some Ghanaian cities are potentially dangerous for visitors and residents alike.
People traveling to Ghana should learn the local language and research the areas they plan to visit in advance.
Be sure to use only verifiable services and local transportation options to avoid becoming a victim of one of the region’s many scam artists.
#1. – Avoid Traveling at Night
Like most places, major metropolitan cities in Ghana are more dangerous at night.
Therefore, tourists and visitors should avoid venturing out alone at night and schedule sightseeing activities and trips during daylight hours.
If you cannot avoid traveling at night, be vigilant and remain aware of your surroundings at all times.
#2. – Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Making sure you and your fellow companions are safe is a top priority when traveling in Ghana.
Pay close attention to your surroundings and take notes on important landmarks, phone numbers, and critical destinations like your hotel address and the address for the local US Embassy.
#3. – Don’t Carry Cash or Valuables
Property crimes like burglary, pickpocketing, and theft are common in many dangerous cities in Ghana.
Avoid being a victim of a crime by leaving your valuables and large sums of cash in a safe location, like in your hotel safe.
Also, don’t flaunt or show off large sums of money.
Local criminals often target tourists who appear to display obvious signs of wealth by being flashy.
Many crimes that happen in dangerous Ghanian cities happen as a result of political violence and civil unrest.
Research the political climate of the city you plan to visit in Ghana.
Avoid visiting cities where the political environment is displaying signs of instability in the forms of public protests or acts of violence in the streets during election periods.
#5. – Verify Your Transactions
Along with being known as a hotbed for civil unrest, many dangerous cities in Ghana are filled to the brim with sly con artists who prey on unwitting residents and especially tourists.
Scam artists in Ghana have been known to scam tourists out of time and money for taxis, currency exchanges, jewelry, valuables, and more.
Ghana Safety Overview
READ THE FULL REPORT: Ghana Safety Review
Safety Index:
Frequently Asked Questions
What Makes Some Cities in Ghana Dangerous to Visit?
While many cities in Ghana offer low crime rates and peaceful environments, there are some areas where political unrest, social inequality, poverty, and overcrowding drive higher crime rates.
Crime rates in Ghana are generally higher in cities where these conditions exist.
How Can I Stay Safe When Traveling in Ghana?
US tourists traveling in Ghana can stay safer by avoiding areas prone to high crime rates, violence, and civil unrest.
Follow common sense safety tips when traveling in Ghana.
For example, avoid traveling at night, always travel in groups, and know the location of the nearest US Embassy in case of emergency.
Are All Cities in Ghana Unsafe?
Most of the country is relatively safe.
However, Ghanaian residents and tourists see higher crime rates for property crimes and crimes against people in metropolitan and overpopulated areas.