Making a Facebook Cover Photo: 10 Tips for a Design that Will Stand Out

Updated On April 20, 2023
Making a Facebook Cover Photo

Facebook is the top online social media platform, where people exchange news, communicate with each other, as well as enjoy and share thousands of videos globally.

It is essential for content creators to establish a brand identity across all social media platforms, including Facebook.

One way to make your profile unique and appealing to viewers is by creating an attention-grabbing cover photo that showcases your personality, content style, and branding – and a Facebook ad creator can help you create one quickly.

Your cover photo is the first thing that your visitors will see when they land on your FB profile.

So, you have to make it stand out.

In this blog, you will learn 10 tips for creating a cover photo design that will stand out.

Identifying the Purpose of the Photo

The first step in designing a cover photo is to identify its purpose.

Consider the type of content you create, the audience you target, and the tone you want to set.

The design should reflect the essence of your profile and tell your followers what your profile is all about.

Optimal Dimensions

Cover photo dimensions are crucial.

An image that is too small or too large will not look good on your profile.

The recommended size of the FB cover photo is 820 x 312 pixels for desktop devices and 640 × 360 pixels for mobiles.

The image must be at least 400 x 150 pixels to meet Facebook’s requirements.

Font Style and Color

The font you choose plays a significant role in determining the feel and tone of your cover photo design.

If your profile is about makeup or beauty, you may want a font that is elegant and feminine.

If your profile is about gaming, you may want a font that is bold and adventurous.

The color palette should reflect your brand’s color scheme.

Use Images and Graphics

The design should be attention-grabbing and leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

You can achieve this by using high-quality images and graphics relevant to your niche.

The images should be clear and of high resolution to avoid pixelation.

Consistency with Branding

The cover photo design should be consistent with your branding across other social media platforms.

Use the same color scheme, logo, and tagline across all profiles.

This will help promote brand recall and make it easier for viewers to recognize and remember your profile.

Icons of Social Media Apps

Simplicity is Key

Keep the design simple and clean.

Avoid cluttering the photo with too much text or graphics.

Keep your message concise and clear.

It should highlight the essential details about your profile without overwhelming your audience.

Show Personality

Your cover photo design should reflect your personality and style.

If your brand is quirky and fun, add some humor and playfulness to the image.

If your profile is focused on education or business, keep the photo more professional and straightforward.

Use a Template

If you are not a designer or have little experience with graphic design tools, you can use templates to create your cover photo.

Many websites offer pre-designed templates for this purpose that you can customize according to your needs.

Test and Refine

Once you have created your design, it’s time to test it in your profile.

Observe the photo for a few days and see how it performs.

If you find that it’s not attracting the desired attention, consider refining the design until it meets your expectations.

Optimize for Mobile

Ensure that your design is optimized for mobile devices.

Most of your viewers will access your profile through their mobile phones, so it’s crucial to have an equally impressive image for mobile users.


Creating a Facebook cover photo design that stands out can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

By following these 10 tips, you can create a picture that reflects your brand’s personality, style, and message.

Keep in mind that the cover photo is the first thing that your visitors will judge, so make it count.

Test different designs until you find the one that resonates well with your audience.

With an attention-grabbing image, you can build brand awareness, grow your viewership, and increase marketability.

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