Is Libya Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 76 / 100 based on 107 user reviews.

Libya FlagLibya : Safety by City

Libya is a country located in North Africa, with a coastline along the Mediterranean Sea and in between Egypt to the east and Tunisia to the west.

It also shares borders with Algeria, Chad, Niger, and Sudan.

Geographically, it isn’t too diverse as more than 90% of the country is covered in desert or semidesert.

Culturally, you can definitely broaden your views by visiting Libya: you can see the Leptis Magna, a prominent city of the Roman Empire whose ruins are located in Al Khums, on the coast where the Wadi Lebda meets the sea.

Leptis Magna is considered to be one of the most spectacular Roman ruins in the Mediterranean.

You can also visit Cyrene, an ancient colony that is now an archeological site near the village of present-day Shahhat.

Located in the northern part of Libya, and surrounded by mountains, it’s the location where the oldest “love Symbol” in the world was found.

Warnings & Dangers in Libya

Overall Risk


Libya isn't safe and many governments are advising their citizens against traveling to Libya because of the current conflict following the bloody war to oust the Gadaffi dictatorship. This country is dangerous and if you're currently in Libya, make plans to leave as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Transport & Taxis Risk


The ongoing tumultuous situation makes it difficult to travel at night. Even though road conditions aren't too bad in Libya, but driving standards are poor with factors that complicate traffic additionally, like the wind-blown sand that reduces visibility.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpockets are active in Libya, and both petty and violent crime is rife. Avoid carrying too much cash and keep in mind that expensive watches, jewelry, and cameras will make you look like an easy target for pickpockets and opportunists.

Natural Disasters Risk


There aren't many natural disasters that affect Libya, apart from occasional earthquakes.

Mugging Risk


Violent confrontations like muggings and robberies are on the rise lately, so it is recommended that you take extra care on the streets of Libya, avoid dark streets and deserted areas. Bear in mind that risks increase after dark.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorists are very likely to try and carry out attacks in Libya. The biggest threat is coming from the extremist groups including Daesh that are responsible for the majority of attacks.

Scams Risk


There are many scams in Libya as well as scammers trying to take advantage of travelers. Be wary of people trying to distract you in order to steal from you and of taxi drivers overcharging you for a ride. We advise you to be extremely careful when handling money and around ATMs.

Women Travelers Risk


Libya is definitely not safe for solo female travelers. They are advised, if it is absolutely necessary that they leave their accommodation at night, to go out accompanied by someone. Be sure to avoid remote streets, both during day and night, and do not flash your belongings or handle money in public.

So... How Safe Is Libya Really?

Libya isn’t safe for tourists.

In fact, many governments are explicit in advising travelers against all travel to Libya due to serious political and social turmoil and instability there caused by the ongoing civil war following their president’s overthrow.

Armed militia groups persist in their presence in many cities and areas, which can often be lethal.

If you’re in Libya currently, stay away from public gatherings, demonstrations that can turn deadly and areas where militia groups tend to get involved in conflicts and make plans to leave Libya as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Driving after dark is extremely dangerous in Libya, especially in rural areas, as there’s a Night driving high risk of accidents: rural roads are common without any traffic signs at all and aren’t even marked, making it difficult to stay in lane.

Also, other drivers tend to drive cars with specific headlights which makes it difficult to see the road and oncoming traffic.

Drivers are commonly reckless and speeding for no reason at all, and camels have been known to cross the roads at night.

You should also know that members of the LGBTQ community are in extreme danger in Libya.

Homosexuality is illegal here, and those engaging in homosexual acts can easily be executed or tortured.

Sharia law is in force here, so gay people and lesbian women should definitely stay away from this country.

How Does Libya Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Most countries do need a visa in order to visit Libya. Make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months past the date of your staying in Libya. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Libyan dinar is the official currency. There are a limited number of ATMs in Tripoli and Benghazi and travelers are advised to bring cash with them.



Libya's climate is affected by both the Mediterranean Sea and the desert. The climate is characterized by cool winters with some rain and sub-freezing temperatures in the desert at night. As for summers, Sahara is extremely hot and dry during this season.



Tripoli International Airport is the main international airport serving the capital city of Libya. It is located in the area of Qasr bin Ghashir about 34 km from central Tripoli.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Libya, since it covers not only the costs medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Libya Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 13° C
Feb 13° C
Mar 16° C
Apr 19° C
May 22° C
Jun 25° C
Jul 26° C
Aug 27° C
Sep 25° C
Oct 22° C
Nov 17° C
Dec 14° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Libya - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

Where to Next?

108 Reviews on Libya

  1. O
    Omar Bengdara says:

    Underrated nation

    Hello I am a Libyan I go there every year and I am disgusted by how you have presented our nation where I am from -Benghazi- there are police in every corner and isis has been removed please fix this

    1. Am travelling there in a week time but am scared

    2. There is no evidence of your claim.
      The country is destroyed due to the lack ethics and Satan worship.

      1. M
        Mary Magda says:


        Jeff. come on, seriously? What are you talking about?

        1. Is the country in peace

          I want to travel to Libya for employment. Can a foreigner visit there,as for a current situation. Pls reply

          1. j


            I want to travel to Libya from Nigeria
            What’s your advice to me please?

          2. A
            Anonymous says:

            Post pone it for am year please.

          3. Avoid Libya

            Avoid at all costs. It’s a graveyard for foreigners. High chance of getting kidnapped and tortured

        2. J
          James dayo says:

          Want to travel

          Mary do you live in Libya

          1. M
            Maxwell says:

            Please I am from Ghana, I want to travel to Libya in 2023 is it safe?, and if I want to cross the sea to Italy how long will it take?

    3. L
      Libya sucks says:

      Scamming *** . *** off Libya sucks .

      1. Libya dose not suck you think that but it dose not it is the best ever and you are wrong so use better language next time.

        1. Yes I have I have been Born there and now I am in Australia and I think that Libya is the best.

          1. D
            Dr. Phil says:

            Then why are you in Australia???🤪

    4. hellow, im trying to go to libia to work as a male nurse im a graduated nurse? what is your idea about that? is it safe and good?

      1. P
        Proud to be libyan says:

        Libyan & proud

        I AM Libyan and I am so proud that I’m from the Libyan community and there is no no doubt that Libya is not dangerous

        1. I got opportunity to work as a covid duty nurse.I am scared to come there

        2. N
          Na goma says:

          How can you make sure to the people Libya is safe now and no more crisis, and advise to the tourists people to Libya

        3. A
          Anonymous says:

          Are you sure about that?

      2. A
        Anonymous says:


    5. j says:


      How can i get in touch with you please?

    6. T
      Truth Teller says:

      A country that should not exist

      Omar, you’re a liar.

      Libya isn’t safe for anyone. The Daesh group keeps threatening the lives of innocent people. Women are raped constantly. Amnesty International already issued a warning about migrant situation in Libya. Your own government allows raping and physical violence. Shut your hole.

      1. S
        Sahiyah says:

        The Libyan government DOES NOT allow the rape of women.

      2. T
        The Libya says:

        Libya is a very safe country and i am proud of it.

    7. Not safe for tourists. Libya is still suffering from the aftermath of the civil war.

      I am Libyan and can say that it is NOT safe to travel during this time. Under gadaffi’s regime Libya was a stable, secure and prosperous country but now it’s been ruined by a decade of armed conflict between Isis, militias, corrupt government officials, and foreign involvement. We hope that the situation will improve but at the moment that seems like a distant dream.

    8. N
      Natacha says:

      Dangerous country and racist

      Many Arabs are racist and this country has caused a lot of damage to immigrants, a country that uses black people as slaves and for prostitution. This country should be banned from the world. Libya is extremely dangerous and would not recommend anyone to go there especially people from ethnic minorities. Police are corrupted, war everywhere. Libya is a country full of criminals and everyone knows that.

      1. I'm just confused

        Hmmmm I’m just confused…… I have a passion for that Lybia before but all what I heard, make me feel so bad about the country

        1. O
          Omoyele olumide says:

          Same here. What will be the solution?

        2. C
          Christian says:

          Not a good place

          Don’t travel to Libya … I am a football player.. I traveled there last year 2021… signed for a football team .. but the treatment was very bad .. i was neglected and I didn’t get paid my salary…I had to find my way out .. got my exit visa and left the country… so think about It … especially if you are black

    9. I am planning to visit in few months….. but I have to think🤔

    10. Country used to have one of the greatest living experiences in all of Africa, sad to see it crumble

  2. K
    Kevin Martyn says:

    Libya/Tripoli and Libyans!

    Its been several years since i lived and worked in Libya and i found the locals very friendly and most helpful! I have read a lot about Libya/Tripoli in 2019 and not sure if these reports coming from France, United Kingdom and the USA! Anyway that’s what i found of Libya/Tripoli!

  3. A
    Anonymous says:

    Understandably the Libyans are not happy having been tricked by Blair, France and the Obamas, their country bombed and the wealth being sucked out of the country by regimes directed by corrupt bankers.

  4. T
    Travel Enthusiasts says:


    Libya is not safe as of 2019, it is currently in a civil war and ISIS has engulfed the nation. there may be places with no ISIS but you still have to worry about the crime and other terrorism. lets talk about if travel to Libya is essential and you must go. first if your a women traveling solo try and stay indoors or in rural areas at all costs. do not venture into big or small city’s not being escorted. you also must obey Islamic moral code. you cant be homosexual, or transgender and a women must wear a Abaya or Hijab and being another religion besides Islam is illegal since it is a Arab state which means everybody there is Islam. do not show even the slightest es signs of wealth or else it is extremely likely you will be a victim of pick pocketing, violent muggings or violent robbery. rape, sexual assault, armed conflict are on the rise and were already high to begin with. armed home invasions are also getting pretty popular. remain vigilant at all times and be aware of your surroundings. if you are a westerner you are very likely to be kidnapped. once kidnapped you will be tortured, raped, and beaten for hours on end until they finally kill you. some people have been thrown out into the desert naked to die. this country is a serious risk so take this very seriously. the African brotherhood is on the rise in Libya, if you dont know the African brotherhood is basically Africans united. they will not torture fellow African brothers, only westerners. the reason many people are on here saying this hell hole is safe is because they are either from Libya, live in Libya, or are African or Arabian. cause for them it is, if things go wrong which the will most likely your best chance would be escaping to Egypt or Tunisian. do not try and flea to Niger, Sudan, Chad or Algeria. the US cannot rescue people from Libya do to how closed off and isolated it is. good luck escaping to Egypt or Tunisian cause you’ll have to cross a huge amount of the Sahara desert which can reach up to 135 degrees ferheit or 57 degrees celcious. Libya is the hottest country in the world. conclusion, DO NOT TRAVEL TO LIBYA AS OF 2019.

    1. F
      Fabmanagement3 says:

      Sounds like every Major city problem(L.A., Chicago, NY. , etc.) in the USA 🇺🇸

      Sounds like every major city in the U.S.A to me!

      1. Does not sound at all like the USA, you are out of your mind.

      2. R
        Ready player one says:

        What the heck honestly…If you go there the crime rate is so high I doubt you would survive a week. It is probably one of the unsafest places to go in the world.

        1. s
          someperson says:

          I go every year and I’m still here, now tell me have you ever gone to Libya? or are you just a man with a white savior complex?

    2. s
      student3678 says:

      THIS IS SO TRUE. thank u so much for all of this valuable info i was reading the content above and was like oh Libya is quite perilous yet i s so confused when all of the comments suggested that Libya was a go to amazing area and place. Now i know Libya sucks, is dangerous and yeah Thank u!!

    3. But the war ended in 2020 according to Wikipedia

    4. No country is perfect

      British female living in Tripoli. City is stunning & working hard to come back from the revolution. Im not muslim, am able to walk around without hijab no problem. Many women do – mainly foreigners but no issues. I dress modestly but only not to draw attention & out of respect for the culture. Police protect the streets & no hassle from them as a woman. Never felt uncomfortable or in imminent danger – I am guarded as I don’t speak fluent Arabic, am not fully accustomed to culture & read all the horror stories before coming, but everyone I’ve met is lovely, welcoming & makes an effort to speak English to me. Never put myself in vulnerable situations (such as alone at night, flaunting cash/expensive belongings etc) so never feel uneasy but that’s just the norm as a woman no matter where you are. No country is perfect & I have definitely learned that Western media is biased & exaggerated. I wont say its 100% safe 100% of the time, but nowhere is… I love it & enjoy living here.

      1. Is there a way to personally to talk to you as I have a job offer from Libya and I am investigating the present situation there in Tripoli.

        1. T
          T. Sherry says:

          me too, I got a job offer in Libya too. please tell me, are you there yet?

        2. Help

          Hi! Pls can you let me know if you are ok in Libya. I have a job offer there, it’s August 2023 and I have to leave on the 19th. Thanks.

  5. great country, enjoyed my stay and trips into villages, stay out of tourist spots and you will do fine, just do not look too white, and do not be a woman, otherwise, great country and great food, loved the sweets and the perfume as well as the culture.

    1. F
      Funmy Ajoke.....Ade says:

      Love Libya 🇱🇾

      Libya is a good place, Better than my Conutry ..I Stay there for good 8yrs

      1. B
        Best ❤️ says:

        I’m coming here soon

  6. A
    Anonymous says:


    Shame how the Western World portrays Libya. United States, Israel, United Kingdom and so fourth are the real terrorists.
    I’ve visited 39 countries, some of which I was nervous about due to what we are told by the media whom are controlled by the higher power eg..Israel..I came to find that the countries I was nervous about are far from what is been told about them.
    It’s disappointing propaganda, well done United States and others..people, youtube Gaddafis speech in the UN assembly meeting, open your eyes, get out there and don’t be frightened as that’s what the media what you to be.
    It won’t stop me visiting countries and cities of interest.

    1. I’v wanted to visit as i’m a historian ( WW2) so want to visit Tobruk the mainstream media always make things worse and they are once Covid has gone i’d want to pack my bags and go there any tips ?

    2. A Retrospective Look

      It was a good country – definitely tons of misinformation, but now it’s dangerous. I don’t recommend you go there anymore. In 10 years, maybe, it’ll be a different situation, but the law now practically doesn’t exist. Went from one of the wealthiest countries with the most potential in the entirety of Africa, located along the Medi Sea, next to the Strait of Hormuz, and with tons of untapped natural resources, to a corrupt, devastated country – sad thing is most of that was because of other countries, if you know what I mean.

  7. Make sure if you are a female you wear short skirt and show skin as they will leave you alone. Bring a safe deisgner purse such as coach or LV. Enjoy your trip.

    1. This is satire but I honestly wonder if people have fallen for this

      1. C
        Cairo Fred says:

        Don't travel to Libya.

        I agree. Whoever wrote that post could be contributing to someone’s death.

        1. Come on!!!

          Oh lighten up, it was obviously said as a joke! Anyone to take that one comment literally while ignoring ALL the others on here warning about Libya, well then maybe that’s just Darwinism at work.

    2. Am scared

      Tell about your experience or leave a tip for others on my way there

  8. You made a very big mistake killing Muamar Gaddafi

  9. O
    Odi Godwin says:

    God pls make to reach Eoup

  10. A
    Anonymous says:

    I was born in Tripoli in 1950 and then spent several years there and in Benghazi in the 60’s. My parents also lived there in 70’s. I would love to visit and have the opportunity to see the amazing ruins of Leptis Magna and Sabratha again. Do you have any suggestions of the best way to do this. I now live in South Africa. Jenny.

  11. Not That Safe

    Libya Is Not That Safe For Travelers

  12. Hair dresser

    Am a female’i just want to come for a visit’in respect of my job as an hair i welcome and save to my busines carier over there?Am from nigeria.

  13. Any one here can help me pls to tell me the truth about peace in Libya?
    I am from Nigeria I want to travel to there for a job search… Or to help me how to go to Europe from Libya?

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Watch Drew Binsky he traveled there has traveled to nearly every country.

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        dont go

        I don’t advice you go as a foreigner. its not safe

  14. S
    Shivraj says:

    Libyan hospitality one of the best.

    Its been years since I lived and worked in Libya for short stay in Tripoli and benghazi and all yhe little town in between and I found the locals very friendly and most helpful! I still have many fiends there yes it no more safe as it used to be. But what can you expect when a country is ravaged like this. I heard Bengazi is better off than Tripoli but I’m hopefully things get abckt o normal there. Libyan people will always have a special place in my heart they make even Ajanbee feel at home.

  15. I worked in Libya for almost 10 years that’s why Libyans are closed to my heart . They are peace loving people .

  16. unsure

    I want to go back and see my family in libya but I am unsure if it would be safe. Im mixed. Half British (my mum is Irish and Italian) and my dad comes from al khums . To my understand ing a very dangerous area. I grew up over in england and visited my family when I was younger twice and when 9/11 happened when they came and visited us. They had to go home at that point. My dad lived literally next door to leptis magna and played there in the ruins growing up. I really want to go and see my family and my dad is dying , he lives in England but I just want to experience his culture again properly. I regret growing up and not taking any interest now as I truly grew up to love his culture more and more. Due to concerns of terrorism I dont know if it is safe for me . As I still have a fair complexion but Arab features. One bad point is I am heavily tattooed.

  17. Pls how safe is libya,because I’ll be going to that place next week, but am scared I don’t know if it’s safe

  18. O
    Owlet13 says:

    Not safe and airport incorrect

    Libya is NOT safe. Crime/terrorism risk is high, and also Tripoli Int’l Airport is closed. Libya is one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

    1. D
      Don't bother says:

      You’re absolutely right.

  19. U
    Umm Meryam says:

    I went, despite the advice NOT TO GO, from both Europol and The department of foreign affairs in Sweden, to Libya 2017. I went to meet my daughter who had been brought and then kept there by her father for 3 1/2 years.
    It’s a country in war and anarchy. I got robbed of all my medicine while two passport officers hold a automatic gun each to my head, while going through passport control. But… later when I had to go see a hospital cuz of dehydration, I’m Swedish and not used to 50 degrees in the hot sun… And they really didn’t have any medical supplies, or any protocol for hygiene (I’m a nurse so) and still they made the best of what they could. So I do understand why the take useful things from foreigners. They are trying to stay alive. Trash was laying all bunkered up alongside the roads. Electricity is not for granted. People in Libya actually work for free to have a few hours of electricity and internet, clean water and other things to keep the people alive and as well as they can. Believing they the government(the one that doesn’t exists yet) will pay theme later. The people in Libya is the best❤️ But…
    There were bombs and and you never stopped hearing automatic gunfire from near and far, day and night. My daughter is still there and I can’t get her out by myself, and because Sweden is a country without balls, they won’t even try…
    Me, as a mother/parent, would move there if that meant being close to my baby girl, turning 11 soon, I would. But I don’t think any one should go there without a reason worth to die for…

    1. p
      potatoman says:

      this is the only accurate replay so far
      I assume the problem is the libyan side not communicating with the swedish side, very common
      they’re generally incompetent, hope it works for you

    2. Life is risky

      I will be going there soon I pray I see no evil or meet any if you have your daughter’s contact I’m taking my own risk I can still take it for anyone life is full of risk I’ve lost fears long ago.

  20. U

    Trip to libya

    I want to travel to Libya to meet my hubby to be, please what is your say to that?

    1. my husband will be there in April I want to go and surprise him

  21. T
    Thompson says:

    Tell about your experience or leave a tip for others,my brother’s and sister,to say the fact Libya is not safe,steal in country OK ,don’t allow anybody lie for you,believed me ,nothing is there for now,the country is not settle,since Gadafia has being kill ,shine your EYE’S

  22. J
    Johnson says:

    Should I go or not

    I want to travel to Libya next month to see my good friend…he said to me that we’re he stay….dey are not fighting…what is ur say

    1. I want to travel to Libya for a house help work
      Please is it safe for me?

  23. T
    The Person that knows better says:

    Help Libya Now

    libya is a very good country there is nice people and pretty views so i recommend that you should not listen to the bad comments and just do what you want. In my Opinion Libya is the best country ever. But if you don’t agree and you are scared about the war it is not Libyans fault it is all the other country’s that don’t help of there was help Libya would be the 1 best country in the whole world .

  24. Never Go To LIBYA

    A thousand people dying in Mediterranean because of your “safe country”

  25. j
    joseph o salau says:

    Libya is a terrorist zone run for your life.

    I have a tip for oIiIo.

    I left Libya before the death of Gaddafi. when I was there I felt so cheated by the people because they understood that I am not a Muslim.

    I worked so hard but I left there with empty pockets, empty hands, and worst still so exhausted, like sweet juice out of orange, throwing out the chaff that has no value. So I was treated. So you see don’t ever dream to go into Libya, it’s a horror of terror that’s existing there right now… no peace!

  26. I need advice pls is it safe to travel to Libya?

    My fiance is working there but he’s in Nigeria now and wants us to get married so we can travel together but am very scared seeing all these post.

    1. Stay 1 million miles away from Libya.

  27. is it good to go

    Travel to Libya as of 2021 now is it good to go, plz I need advice

  28. What can I do?????

    What can I do now? Should I go or not?? A friend of mine advice me to come to Lybia for work? But most people said Lybia is not safe….

    1. C
      Clever sunshy says:

      Please learn how to put things in God hand’s first secondly life is risk and it even risk not to take a risk but always be caution of your choice and reaction you make’s in life

  29. Mr. Shukri Ghanem

    I was working in Libya from 1988 – 1991 and everything was just fine – peaceful. What happened after that: I was a friend of Mr. Libya’s former Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem. Visited his home tens of times. Then read this:
    His wife and children were so nice. He was really KILLED in Austria! Even if some media says others, I know his position and no doubt that he was murdered!
    Question: I have also many other friends there in Libya, but is it safe to go there?

  30. A
    Anonym ;) says:

    This is ridiculous, I go to libya 2x a year. Nothing is right, except terror…BUT THAT WAS JUST BECAUSE OF WAR IN 2014-2019. Libya is perfectly fine now. Just the electricity there…is a PROBLEM. Another thing, I can tell you never was in Libya because Libyas weather isn’t 19-33 C in summer. It’s much hotter!!! It’s 30-45. And in autumn 20-25.

    Learn before saying a word. 😂😂!!!

  31. S
    Sani omar says:

    If you get chance leave libya before December

    i am here in libya, all is true am presently in libya many thing happening like non muslim.

  32. Is the country safe in year 2021

    Am from Nigeria , I want to go to Libya in search of work next month

    Pls is the country safe

    1. The country is somehow safe meaning that if you don’t bring problems to yourself, nothing would happen.

  33. Someone asked me to come over this ember month and am from Nigeria. Pls is it safe.

  34. H
    Haneen albasheer says:


    Salam everyone
    I’m a Libyan citizen and i am SO disappointed and not happy at all with the way you’re presenting my country, it’s true that we are going through tough times now but that DOES NOT make our country a horrific war zone that is “not safe to visit” 😒😠
    it is one of most beautiful countries in South Africa

  35. A
    Anthony says:


    Ok, so reading these reviews I’m STILL as confused as ever!!! Is it safe to go to Tripoli in 2022 or not?! YES or NO?! I don’t want OPINIONS! I want FACTS!!

    1. Yes, i have been there and everything is safe

  36. Fact: It is not 100% not safe and not 100% safe 50 50 chances
    But the safety is way better than the one in 2019-2020.

  37. Safe (ish)

    Beautiful country. Never faced too much hassle. The police are a bit dodgy but that is a worldwide problem. Plenty of army soldiers to keep you safe.

    I advise not to go if from Nigeria as the Arabs despise black people and any offer of work should be completely checked out before going as the slave trade is still operating here.

    I am Scottish and have lived here for 7 years so obviously there are many good things and people here or I wouldn’t have stayed. Really hot in summer but pleasant rest of the year.

    1. M
      Maxwell says:


      Please so if you’re travelling to Libya and you’re not going to stay there but move to Europe will they worry you

  38. Am about to travel to Lybia by road this week pls is Lybia safe now pls

  39. A safe country and is growing very fast

  40. I
    Informationar says:

    Travel by airplane as you might meet with some terrorists on the road plus there is a risk that you can get caught by them.

  41. O
    Oluwadamilola akinsola says:

    Want to travel

    Pls I want to travel to Libya by road for an employment am from Nigeria am safe pls reply me

    1. F
      Francus Mensah says:

      Am being invited to come and teach in Lybia. Am from Ghana is it safe for me to go? Please reply to me.

  42. T
    Taofeek says:

    Please i need your reply i was about to travel libya by road transportation from nigeria on november 2022 Is it safely for me ?and two[2] it libyan a good country

  43. A friend of mine recommended Libya a safe country for me cause his living there already and he said I should come whenever I feels like coming but the way people’s are saying there and there that Libya is not safe, please what should I do, go or abandoned it.please I needs advice

  44. M
    Mizanur says:

    People’s are saying that Libya is not safe, please what should I do, go or abandoned it.please I needs advice

  45. A
    Ali elfit says:

    Give your honest opinion and don’t follow Others blindly Like a sheep do your search Properly maybe

    Give your honest opinion and do your search properly also don’t follow others like a sheep as well as don’t generalise other wise you will be caught into the idea of biased and racist and try to understand no country in the world is safe example USA shooting and killing almost every month other South America countries and India,Pakistan,Egypt,United arab emirates where human right does not exist also no freedom of expression you can get arrested and tortured by the police force in emirates,Egypt,saudi Arabia ,Bahrain sometimes Qatar So Libya in the near future will be the country to look for in terms of economic and stability they have the tools to do it please don’t forget the interference in Libya by the United Arab Emirates,Egypt,saudi Arabia these countries are very jealous of Libya success also France,Russia these countries causing instability and corruption like for example the authority in Libya caught many emirates planes try to smuggle drugs into Libya.

  46. A
    Anonymous says:

    I'm from Nigeria and I want to go Libya to work is safe to go please I need advice we're in 2024 is it safe to go

    Please I’m from Nigeria and I want to go Libya to work is it safe to go we’re in 2024 please I’m planning to go by road next week

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