Is Kosovo Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 78 / 100 based on 26 user reviews.

Kosovo is a disputed territory in Serbia and considered the de facto independent country in South-Eastern Europe.

After many, often violent, disputes with Serbia, that stretched over a couple of years, Kosovo declared its independence in February 2008 and now the UN states recognize it as a separate country called the Republic of Kosovo, despite heavy Serbian opposition.

Kosovo shares its borders with Albania to the west, Montenegro to the North West, Macedonia to the south, and Serbia (though only from Kosovo’s perspective) to the northeast.

This border is viewed by Serbia as an internal boundary separating the province of Kosovo from Central Serbia.

The political quarrels don’t make Kosovo the safest place for a visit, but for those of a more adventurous spirit, if you do happen to travel here, you can find significant historical and cultural architecture, such as the four Serbian Orthodox church complexes that make up UNESCO World Heritage Site of Medieval Monuments in Kosovo, as well as many other important Orthodox monuments.

You may also end up surprised at Kosovo’s breathtaking countryside, as well as Prishtina’s vibrant nightlife made up of 6 different cultures: Albanian, Serb, Roma, Ashkalia, Bosniak, and Turkish.

Warnings & Dangers in Kosovo

Overall Risk


Kosovo is mostly safe to visit. Violent crime exists but is mostly related to organized crime, and most dangers are of petty nature. Take the usual precaution measures when traveling here.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transport is generally safe in Kosovo, though not too reliable and you can count on waiting for buses. Public transport schedules very often don't mean anything. You should count on pickpockets being very active in bus and train stations and especially on public transport.

Pickpockets Risk


Petty theft is the most common form of a crime you will find in Kosovo. Pickpocketing and bag snatching are regular occurrences here, so keep your valuables in a safe place, and be vigilant when visiting crowded places and public transport.

Natural Disasters Risk


As for natural disasters, Kosovo is pretty susceptible to forest fires, floods and flash floods, as well as extreme meteorological events.

Mugging Risk


Violent crime exists but is mostly linked to organized crime and individuals involved in it. It is rarely focused on foreigners. If you do find yourself in a violent incident, such as mugging or a robbery, always hand over everything you own immediately.

Terrorism Risk


The most dangerous aspect of Kosovo and the reason why tourists are skeptic towards visiting this province is terrorism risk. Namely, terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Kosovo. Apart from wars and lengthy fights over this territory with Serbia, that just recently ended, there's a threat of violent Islamic extremism growing stronger in Kosovo.

Scams Risk


As in any other country, there are scams in Kosovo, too. Always negotiate everything in advance, double check your change and never pay anything upfront. Never accept drinks from strange people or leave your drink unattended.

Women Travelers Risk


Kosovo is generally safe for women, especially in Pristina. Just use your common sense and have your wits with you. Avoid poorly lit and deserted areas at night and finding yourself in places filled with drunken people.

So... How Safe Is Kosovo Really?

The political quarrels make this country an unwanted destination for tourists, which is wrong because tensions have existed in the past decade and the situation is now far better than before.

You are actually pretty safe from everything here, and the chance of any kind of conflict is pretty low due to high international supervision.

Even if a conflict occurred, all foreigners would be evacuated within 48 hours.

When it comes to crime, there aren’t many dangers to worry about in Kosovo.

You may encounter petty crime like bag-snatching or pickpockets, but violent crime isn’t common here, again, due to the heavy presence of international supervision.

Generally, people here, both Albanians and Serbs, are very friendly to tourists, and you can even talk about the war openly, and ask questions, as they’re willing to answer and talk about it.

Like in most other countries, you are advised to use only registered taxis, as only they have fixed fares and use meters.

If you’re planning on going hiking or camping, you should ask around about the areas you want to hike through.

Like in other Balkan countries, land mines were heavily used during the Yugoslav civil wars and you may end up in a suspicious area, though most hiking points are located in areas where war did not occur.

How Does Kosovo Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Most countries do not need a visa to enter Kosovo. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months past the date of your departure from Kosovo. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Euro is the official currency in Kosovo, despite the fact that it's not a part of the eurozone of the EU. ATMs are common, and most establishments accept credit cards.



Kosovo has a mild continental climate with warm summers and cold, snowy winters. The best months to visit are May and September, just before and after the high temperatures that are known to hit hard during June, July and August.



Pristina International Airport Adem Jashari is the only international airport located 15 km south-west of Pristina, Kosovo.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Kosovo since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Kosovo Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan -2° C
Feb 2° C
Mar 6° C
Apr 9° C
May 14° C
Jun 18° C
Jul 20° C
Aug 20° C
Sep 16° C
Oct 11° C
Nov 5° C
Dec 0° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Where to Next?

26 Reviews on Kosovo

  1. Big Lie

    What a big lie!!
    Kosovo is safer than Serbia, Albania and most of the countries around it.

    1. M
      Mike, Ontario says:

      Kosovo is currently under control of various drug cartels! Police there is under control of drug Lords, and simply can not handle criminals, especially during nights, and in suburbs.
      Kosovo should be returned to Serbia, or under direct EU protectorate.

      1. Mike resents that Ontario is less safe than Kosovo. 🙂

  2. This is propaganda against Kosovo.

    This is terribly biased writing towards Kosovo. It is clearly influenced by Serbian propaganda rather than portraying the truth about the country’s safeness.

    As for safety, I lived in Kosovo for about four years, working for an organization. It is an incredibly safe place, people are very welcoming and chill, especially towards internationals.

    It is very untrue about terrorism as well, which makes me question your credibility as a source of information. Come on! Stop this propaganda against Kosovo.

    Be honest and make another fair review.


    1. T
      Timothy says:

      I’ve lived there as well and I can assure anyone that Kosovo is the safest country in the Balkans for sure.

      Pristina its capital is so welcoming and has a warm atmosphere all around.

  3. M
    Marquez says:


    This place just feels strange… Have been there as French member of légion étrangère to protect destroyed serbian patrimony (monasteries, churches, monuments…) It was like a horror move, i retired after my mission because i could not support anymore the lies made up by USA and mostly UK.
    Saw many albanians “going back” to their left homes, but 1 year before the war there was like 10% of albanians, and after the war 80% of albanians found again their “homes”. You need to see that, it’s really hard to explain. I would never and i will never go back there.
    I just felt strange, something like horror movies about abandoned zones full of zombies. Don’t know, maybe i’m wrong, but it’s only my experience.

    1. Mate, I don’t know in which country you have been, but for sure it wasn’t Kosovo. In 1991 (7 years before the war took place) the Yugoslavian Government (dominated by Serbia) did a census in Kosovo. About 90% of the population was Albanian, everyone can google that information very easily. So Marquez, please stop fooling yourself. Maybe you shouldn’t lie that obvious if you’re already spreading this racist propaganda.

      Kosovo is as secure as every other country in Europe, I guess it is even more secure than London, Paris, etc. when it comes to Pickpocketing or other forms of criminal-based violence. The risk of terrorism isn’t also higher than anywhere else. Basically, if you are interested to see how it really is there, you can go there very easily and you will get a lot of value for your money, since almost everything is very affordable, especially for visitors from richer places. Cheers, and welcome to Kosovo, if you are going to visit my place of origin.

  4. D
    Daniel Kelly says:


    Kosovo does not have a high terrorism rank. This review is pushing a false narrative. Safe place.

  5. Your definitely live in Serbia

    Yeah sure Kosovo is not really safe but it is much safer than Serbia. So you said not a lot of crime in Kosovo but there is a lot in Serbia! One of the worst things about Kosovo is they are poor, but who cares. YOU EITHER LIVE IN SERBIA OR YOU JUST WANT TO LIE!!!!!!!!

  6. Very biased article which false information

    I can tell this article was written by a serb judging the language used it seems to be very anti-Kosovo from the start.

    Tourism is very big in Kosovo especially from the Albanians who visit home many times during the year, me being one of them. I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t be happening if it’s unsafe. Kosovo is one of the safest countries in the Balkans region, much safer than Serbia who deliberately take people of its registers and do not provide basic human rights to its citizens based on ethnicity.

    Furthermore, Kosovo is no a province it’s a country and has been since 2008 officially.

    Just thought I’d help you out a bit since you’re confused on who makes up 1% of Kosovo’s population;)

  7. i can say without a doubt that Kosovo is one off the safest countrys is the world i dont know where you got this info from but its most likely that some serbian gave this info out here

  8. B
    BaBaTIN says:


    i can say without a doubt that Kosovo is one off the safest countrys is the world i dont know where you got this info from but its most likely that some serbian gave this info out here

  9. J
    Jason Green says:

    Excellent review. Thank you for the info!

    1. S
      Someone says:

      Extra kidney

      Just go there and find out for yourself


    Kosovo is a very SAFE place! I can easily say it is very much safer than Germany or France and even waaaay safer than UK. Judging by the content of the Article I can assume that the author might be an adviser in the Government of Serbia :D:D:D:D :A !!!

    There goes the credibility of travelsafe-abroad 😛 :S :'(

  11. N
    Nenad Milosavljevic says:

    This review is completely false

    This article is heavily biased towards pushing a false narrative concearning the security of the country (Yes I said country, my fellow serbs we lost political control of Kosovo a long time ago. Grow a pair and get over it). I am a Serb from central Serbia, and I can confirm that absolutely nothing is true in this article regarding Kosovo. You bought into the lies, the teenage serbian internet trolls were telling you, when you wrote that review. If you are a serb and a decent human being, you won’t get hurt, mugged or be a victim of a terrorist attack (like wtf?!? you cannot believe that in all seriousness) while visiting Kosovo. Let alone being a foreigner that wants to visit Kosovo, you get the treatment of royalty for a fraction of the price. The people (Serbs and Albanians) are warm people in general, and if you keep politics out (personal opinions should stay personal), you will even enjoy your time there. The people there (Serbs and Albanians) will treat foreign guest with the highest level of respect, they’ll show you around the cities, show you some historic and natural sights, and are putting much effort into giving you the best experience possible. As a Serb I feel embarresed that you put the picture of the orthodox monastary above this poorly written review of this otherwise very delightful place. You should feel ashamed of yourself, having the audacity to post such lies in a website that is ought to help people, not offend them.

  12. M
    Mark J. says:

    Avoid this place

    Filthy, smelly, beggars and street scammers everywhere. Avoid, avoid, avoid

  13. Stop relying on Blic Serbian news

    “Kosovo has a high Terrorism risk”
    Source: “Trust me bro a Serb told me so”

    Kosovo is much safer then Serbia, don’t believe me? Visit them. The only dangerous place in Kosovo is the North because of Serbian trouble makers, who can’t let go of a myth.

  14. B
    Bronson says:

    Kosovo is 100% Safe, walk wherever you want, whatever you do, people are frendlyst in the world, I will go back as soon as possible

    1. Absolutely, 100% correct, Kosovo is a safe place to visit, I visit Kosovo at least once a year and I stay a minimum of five to seven weeks and I never had any problems of any kind, I have walked alone in the middle of the night after leaving the night clubs or bars on the main streets and side streets and never worried about my safety, you may see stray dogs scavenging through trash for scraps but that’s about it, the traffic is another story but as your safety is concerned; there’s no safer place that I know of.

  15. Kosovo is very safe country

    The most dangerous part of Kosovo is the north of the country Mitrovica because live a lot of criminal Serbs and animal people from Serbia that not recognize the Kosovo territory and don’t pay taxes don’t pay energy electric 💡 sells drugs, do robbery, etc… but all Kosovo territory except the north is very very safe.

  16. I
    It's safe says:

    Kosovo is the safest place in Europe and the Balkans… in general Balkans is a safe place… so stop making propaganda… Serbia should change once and for all if they want to become a normal country and a civilized nation…

  17. No place is 100% safe, but Pristina is good for tourists

    I’m an American tourist, and I am mostly ignorant of the politics mentioned in the comments. I have travelled in many cities and I can say that Pristina feels very safe. In other cities I have travelled, you can look around and note how the locals guard valuables. No one does that here. Women walk around freely and carelessly. As tourists, both my wife and I feel very safe, and we only take the simple precautions that we would take in any city.

  18. M
    M Fischer says:

    The beautiful and kind Kosovans

    A very biased review! And don’t know why when talking about Kosovo people immediately have to compare it to Serbia – Kosovo is not Serbia and has never been, they are just two different countries!
    What is even more sad is that people are stuck in the past and don’t focus in the present and future – while the world has way bigger problems (eg. Climate change) people still spend their energy into supporting the dark times of Serbia for which all the serbs and those supporters should be ashamed of (in the war during the ex Yugoslavia times, Serbia massacred not only Kosovo Albanians but also much of Balkan territories).
    Move on, people! And don’t spend your energy into negative thoughts!

    And btw., I’ve lived in Kosovo for more than 20 years and visit the country quite often and never have heard of nor encountered any signs of terrorism! A visit to Kosovo is highly recommended – enjoying the beautiful mountains of the country and feeling the positive vibes (kindness and hospitality) of the society are some of the top attractions.

  19. Beautiful country!

    I have been to Kosovo many times and i never saw any crime there it is very safe, people are very kind and respectfull. Highway was better then the autobahn in Germany in my opinion 🙂 , Definitly worth a visit.

  20. B
    Biased Article says:

    Kosovo is Safe

    I live in germany but am ethnically albanian from Kosovo. This article seems weirdly biased. Terrorism risk is supposed to be high? In my 22 years of life where I have visited Kosovo, not once was I struck by disaster of that kind. Listing the serbian orthodox churches as the only monuments worth visting feels strange. Especially since the population is primarly muslim. There are loads of beautiful mosques you can visit. You should also try a traditional albanian restaurant with all the traditional food! If you want to explore actual kosovar-albanian culture, these are the places to go to. As to for overall safety, ironically, the serbian provinces in the north of kosovo are listed at high risk. The ethnically albanian people do not live in city´s like mitrovica. If you avoid the north (where all the beautiful orthodox churches are located according to OP) you will be absolutely fine (:. I would recommend to visit the city prizren and prishtina!

Kosovo Rated 3.88 / 5 based on 26 user reviews.

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