How the Digital Health Passports Are Tested Worldwide

Updated On January 21, 2022
Passport in a pocket

For the last year, we have witnessed drastic changes all around the globe.

It appeared that barely any country in the world, with a few lucky expectations, was prepared for a health crisis like we are still currently experiencing.

At first, it looked like most countries went into panic mode, making decisions on the go while the crisis was unraveling.

In an attempt to understand the situation, people were turning to everything from official government sites to platforms providing paper help in order to receive their answers.

Sometimes it is hard to understand what is happening while living through these times.

Now, thirteen months into the crisis, the more effective tools and regulations are in place.

One of the recent decisions was to implement a system of digital health passports.

This system will provide easier travel access while excluding any risks of spreading the Covid-19.

However, as this system is still mainly in the development mode, many don’t understand what digital passports will do and how they operate.

Let’s see how these applications are being tested and what we should expect of them in the future.

What a Digital Health Passport Is

Very soon, we will all have to travel with digital health passports.

These are the new technologies, most likely to be presented as apps on our devices, that can show our health history.

In particular, they will show one’s history with Covid-19 and the vaccination record.

For quite some time now, many countries haven’t accepted any travelers without negative Covid-19 tests.

This practice makes total sense considering how fast this virus was spread all over the world in the first place.

However, this system was chaotic and unregulated.

Different countries have different rules for entering their borders during this crisis.

A digital health passport should bring some order into this chaos.

Passports will give easy access to your Covid-18 history, which will enable airport staff and border control to control the virus transmission.

The Development of Digital Health Passports Worldwide

At the moment, there is no single platform that can host digital health passports.

In the majority of cases, countries are trying to develop applications on their own.

Many counties are making progress in their testing of the applications.

It is expected that by the end of this year, the majority of countries will introduce some sort of digital health passports for travelers.

Some countries are going to use such passports both in domestic and international travels.

It is believed that eventually, all countries will start using a single platform for keeping the data.

Currently, there is a digital health passport CommonPass that will aim to unite all the countries under one platform.

However, till this happens, states Denmark, the US, UK, and others work on their own travel regulation system during Covid-19.

Denmark, for example, is currently in the final stage of testing its “vaccine passport.”

This passport will allow vaccinated people to travel stress-free into countries that require such measures.

However, it is unclear whether access to the health passport will take the form of an app.

Currently, the Danish government promises to provide access through official government sites only.

So far, Denmark is leading among the countries with the highest rate of vaccinated population.

Estonia, on the other hand, was working on ways to track people who recovered from Covid-19.

However, these efforts are undermined by a lack of research on Covid immunity after the recovery.

If you also don’t understand much about the immunity and recovery period after Covid, you can take it to a professional service, where professional writers will research this issue in detail.

The World Health Organization also takes part in controlling the spread of the virus via travel.

The organization is planning on launching a system that will provide e-vaccination certificates.

However, it is also yet unclear how this system will work and how it will be digitized.

Overall, it’s likely that the WHO certification system will work similarly to how Yellow Card works, but it will be digitized this time.

You can check out some trusted online services to see more information about the WHO work specifics.

The Future Travels with CommonPass

It is more likely than not that CommonPass will be our ticket into the future of our 2021 travel experiences.

However, as it is still undergoing testing, it is not fully clear how it will operate.

So far, many countries consider using this platform to unite all the data on vaccinations.

CommonPass will be an international platform where people can register their Covid-19 status.

The app will connect to national health data systems to collect the necessary information.

It will check the reliability of the lab where that data was taken.

Before travel, the app will also analyze what requirements the country of destination has.

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