A beautiful beach, a cold drink and a great book.
For many, this is the recipe for a perfect holiday.
An excellent beach read is a book that engrosses you so much that you forget about everything else for a while.
You can find a beach read almost in any literary genre, but, usually, the genres that are ideal for your beach vacation are romances, plot-driven novels, thrillers and mysteries.
If you start making plans for your holiday and still do not know which books to bring with you, here is our list of the top beach reads.

Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane
You may have seen the film with Leonardo DiCaprio and already know the plot, but even though, you will still enjoy the book very much.
Dennis Lehane’s novel from 2003 is one of the best-written thrillers of the modern era, and without a doubt, you will be captivated by every page.
A U.S Marshall is sent to a remote island to investigate the disappearance of a patient from a hospital for the criminally insane.
Through spooky interrogations and investigation, the situation becomes increasingly tangled as the Marshall begins to deal with issues from his own past.
Shutter Island will keep you glued from the first until the last page.
The book is so captivating that you will remember it long after finishing it, especially the shocking twist ending.

Surprise Me by Sophie Kinsella
Sylvie and Dan decide to spice up their marriage after realizing that they could be together for another 60 years or more.
Project Surprise Me is a game they created that includes small surprises, such as unexpected gifts, dinner dates, sexy photo shoots.
The results are sometimes comical, sometimes disappointing, and on the verge of ruining the relationship.
Pleasant surprises turn into shocking truths, and they both begin to wonder if they ever really knew each other.
This book is a wonderful beach read, especially if you are married, on the verge of a marriage, or even just toyed with the idea of finding a lifetime partner.

Indecent by Corinne Sullivan
An inappropriate romantic and salacious relationship between teacher and student – an affair we have all heard of.
Stories about ordinary people who are prepared to risk their careers for a classroom fantasy are always interesting.
Imogene, an introverted recent college graduate who takes a job as a teacher at an exclusive boys boarding school, is the protagonist in Corinne Sullivan’s novel Indecent.
She has little experience with boys or teaching, and she develops feelings for Adam, the most popular student.
This book is far more than just a raunchy read because it explores questions such as sexuality, morality and power.

Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami
Murakami is widely known for his 1,000-page epic, 1Q84, that may take years to read.
Dance Dance Dance, on the other hand, is a shorter thriller about nihilism, vapid consumerism, midlife crises and a search for a lost love that takes place in both actual and imaginary locations.
In a typical Murakami’s postmodern manner, the plot is complex, the characters are enigmatic and meanings are usually hidden.
Readers follow the 34-year-old unnamed narrator, a writer who is unhappy, as he looks back on his life and realizes the love’s changing nature.

The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang
The Kiss Quotient tells the story of Stella, an autistic math genius and econometrician, and Michael, an escort, who develop an awkward relationship.
Stella’s talents have given her more money than she knows what to do with, but she has no dating experience.
And, in order to explore intimacy, she hires Michael.
At first, there is a lot of mental blockades and overthinking, but their strictly professional relationship evolves over time, and it begins to weirdly make sense.
Get the Kiss Quotient for your beach read if you want a romance novel that is full of humour and not overly self-indulgent.