Is San Miguel de Tucuman Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On April 17, 2024
San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data

San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina is the fifth-largest city in the country, and it’s considered the key city in Northern Argentina.

The city offers culture and an industrial center nestled at the foot of the Aconquija Mountains along the Sali River.

Tucuman’s nickname is “The Garden of the Republic”, thanks to its moderate climate and agriculture.

Popular attractions include the Colonial Cathedral and the Casa de Gobierno, or Government House.

The National University of Tucaman has helped the city to become a cultural hub.

It’s natural beauty and subtropical climate have made it a popular tourist destination, but is it safe to travel to Tucuman?

Should this be your next vacation destination?

Warnings & Dangers in San Miguel de Tucuman

Overall Risk


San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina gets an overall rating of high due to the crime rate in the city. The level of crime is 85, which is very high. The crime index is 76, which is high, and the safety rating is only 23, which is low. It is important to note that the U.S. Department of State lists Argentina as risk level 1, which means to exercise normal precautions. The crime rate shouldn't stop you from visiting Tucuman, but you should be cautious when traveling there.

Transport & Taxis Risk


You can feel relatively safe taking a taxi in San Miguel de Tucuman. However, you should be sure that you only use registered taxis or buses, which are very common. When using public transport, use caution. Don't display any valuables and stay aware of your surroundings. The bus system can be difficult to navigate for non-spanish speakers, and it is crowded during peak times.

Pickpockets Risk


The risk of pickpocketing and purse snatching is high in Tucuman. It's common for pickpockets to work in teams. One person will distract you while the other grabs your wallet or valuables. Some even use motorcycles. They will drive by, grab your item, and leave before you can take action. Less brazen thieves may spray something on your shirt and then "help you clean it", grabbing your stuff while you are distracted. Common items stolen include purses, wallets, phones, and backpacks.

Natural Disasters Risk


Flooding is the most common and damaging natural disaster in Argentina. Floods account for 60% of all natural disaster events, and nearly all economic damages, at 95%. In San Miguel de Tucuman, flooding and extreme heat are the biggest concerns. Other issues include drought, wildfires, volcanic activity, and earthquakes.

Mugging Risk


The risk of mugging in San Miguel de Tucuman is very high, with a rating of 90. This is significantly higher than the average for Argentina, which is 72. It's important to use caution when in Tucuman to reduce your risk of mugging or robbery.

Terrorism Risk


Argentina does have a terrorist risk. In addition to local terrorism concerns, there's a Hezbollah community. In the 1990s, Hezbollah carried out two terrorist attacks in the country. In recent years, the government have worked to lower the risk of terrorism.

Scams Risk


San Miguel de Tucuman has its fair share of scams. Cyber scams are on the rise as technology becomes more popular in Argentina. Scammers will often post fake job offers, use fake storefronts, fake contact centers, and malicious apps.

Women Travelers Risk


Because of the high overall crime rate and high incidence of violent crime, women should exercise caution when in San Miguel de Tucuman. It's recommended that women travel as part of a group, and avoid being out alone, particularly at night.

Tap Water Risk


The tap water is generally safe in San Miguel de Tucuman. However, it does have a high mineral content. If you aren't used to this type of water, it can cause stomach issues, including diarrhea and cramping. Bottled water is available. To avoid the risk of stomach upset, it's best to stick with bottled water.

Safest Places to Visit in San Miguel de Tucuman

The North District

The North District, known as Bario Norte, is considered the safest and nicest district in San Miguel de Tucuman.

It’s also the most expensive area in the province.

It’s located in the east side, beginning at Av. Salta and Av. Avellaneda and ending at Av. Sarmiento and Santiago del Estero street.

It’s one of the most populous areas as well, with lots of modern high-rise buildings.

Tourist destinations in the North District include the Timoteo Navarro Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, which is the largest art museum in Tucuman.

Arts lovers will also enjoy San Martin Theater.

It’s the most respected theater in the province, and it is also the busiest.

You should also visit Independence Square.

This is the city center.

You’ll find important buildings, cultural events, and a variety of people frequenting the square.

Western Tucuman

Western Tucuman offers natural wonders that you shouldn’t miss.

You can hike Sendero El Funicular, Cristo Bendicente, or El Cerro San Javier.

You can also visit waterfalls, including Sendero Cascada Río Noque and Cascada El Remate.

Places to Avoid in San Miguel de Tucuman

Villa 9 de Julio is the area of San Miguel de Tucuman that you should really avoid.

It’s known as the most dangerous area of the city.

Unfortunately, the largest park, Parque 9 de Julio, is located in Villa 9.

While the park has a flower clock, a rose garden, and even Lake Miguel, locals say there are security concerns.

The park is also dirty and run down.

Safety Tips for Traveling to San Miguel de Tucuman

When traveling in Tucuman, you should follow these safety tips.

This will help ensure you have a fun and safe experience in this Argentinian paradise.

  1. Don’t Be Flashy or Touristy. There are a few things that will make you an easy target in the eyes of criminals. One of them is looking like a tourist. Do your best to blend in with the locals, and avoid looking completely clueless. It’s best to avoid looking amazed as well, but this is harder to do. Another way to make yourself a target is to be flashy or show off your valuables. A good rule of thumb is to avoid displaying anything you don’t want to lose. Don’t wear expensive jewelry or even headphones when you are out and about.
  2. Secure Your Belongings. Keep your belongings close to you at all times. It’s best to keep your important items on your person in a cross-body bag or backpack because these are harder to steal than a purse or wallet. Whatever you do, do not sit a bag or phone down in public. Securing your belongings also applies to your hotel room. Do not leave anything valuable in plain sight. If your hotel doesn’t have a safe, you may want to bring a lockbox with you. Be sure to keep your personal documents in a safe place as well.
  3. Secure Your Documents. Another word on documents. It’s best to leave your documents in a secure area, like a hotel safe, rather than carry them with you. You can photocopy all your important documents and use this when you are exploring the city. This way the original copy is secure, and you still have proper identification.
  4. Don’t Use Your Phone. Don’t use your phone when you are out in public in Tucuman unless it’s a necessity. Phone theft is very common here. When you are talking on or looking at your phone, you are distracted as well. This makes you an easy target for all types of thieves.
  5. Don’t Go Out Alone. It’s a great idea to have a travel buddy or be part of a group. If you are traveling solo, you should take extra precautions in isolated areas and avoid going out at night.
  6. Enroll in STEP. STEP, or Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, registers you with the local U.S. Embassy or Consulate. You’ll also get travel and security alerts.
  7. Know the Areas to Avoid. Avoid any dangerous areas of the city. It’s also a good idea to avoid public transportation at night, and in isolated areas as well.
  8. Don’t Carry Lots of Cash. It’s not a good idea to carry large amounts of cash with you. If you do get robbed, this can quickly end your trip.
  9. Know How to Get in Touch with Emergency Services. You should know how to get in touch with local emergency services. Generally, 911 will work similarly to how it functions in America in San Miguel de Tucuman.
  10. Pack and Plan for the Weather. Before leaving for Argentina, you should know the forecast and pack accordingly. You’ll also want to wear proper clothing when exploring San Miguel de Tucuman.

So... How Safe Is San Miguel de Tucuman Really?

Given San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina’s high risk, you may think twice about going there.

However, it’s unlikely to be more dangerous than some U.S. cities.

The U.S. State Department gives Argentina a low risk, despite the high crime rate.

This suggests that it’s not a particularly dangerous city.

Its crime rate is higher than the average for Argentina.

Beyond the crime rate, there are moderate concerns about terrorism, scams, and natural disasters, but these are no more common in Tucuman than they are in the U.S.

So, feel free to travel to San Miguel de Tucuman, as long as you follow the safety tips listed above.

How Does San Miguel de Tucuman Compare?

CitySafety Index
San Miguel de Tucuman32
Buenos Aires60
Puerto Iguazu73
Manama (Bahrain)54
Tianjin (China)67
Brussels (Belgium)60
Shanghai (China)66
Belize City (Belize)37
La Paz (Bolivia)52

Useful Information



If you are a citizen of America, Canada, or most European nations, you won't need a visa to visit Argentina as long as your stay will be less than 90 days. You will need a passport that is valid before you plan to return, however. If you have a U.S. green card, it depends on the country you are a citizen of. If you are a citizen of a qualified country, you won't need a visa. If you plan to stay for more than 90 days or aren't from a qualifying country, you'll need a visa. You can begin the process online at the local Argentinian Embassy or Consulate in your area. You'll need two photos, a copy of your itinerary, proof of accommodation, and proof of income which shows that you can care for yourself while in Argentina. You'll also need to pay an application fee, which varies based on your nationality.



The currency of Argentina is the Argentinian Peso. It's best to bring U.S. currency and exchange it once you reach Argentina. Larger bills will give you a better exchange rate. Tourist areas, including hotels and restaurants, will typically accept American dollars. However, it's not considered legal tender in the country, so many places will not accept them. Some places will take credit cards, but not all places do. You may also be charged a high fee each time you use your credit or debit card. Traveler's checks can work, but they have a poor exchange rate, so they aren't recommended as your main source of currency.



San Miguel de Tucumán has a moderate subtropical climate. Summers have plenty of rainfall, and winters are typically dry. Summer begins in October and ends in April. The winter season is short, and snowfall is very rare. However, in the Andes higher elevations freezing temperatures, and snow are common during the winter. Summers are warm, with average highs in the 80s to 90 degrees. If you are traveling in the summer, bring cool clothing and rain gear. In the winter, you'll want to be prepared for cool temperatures. Winters are usually moderate, but bring warm clothing in case the temperatures drop to freezing or below.



Teniente Benjamín Matienzo International Airport is the international airport that serves Tucuman. It's located about 7 miles east of the city.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance used to be required before visiting Argentina. Today, it's not a requirement. However, we still recommend that you have a comprehensive travel policy before booking your trip. Travel insurance can cover mishaps like canceled flights and lost belongings, and medical emergencies.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

San Miguel de Tucuman Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 26° C
Feb 26° C
Mar 24° C
Apr 20° C
May 17° C
Jun 14° C
Jul 14° C
Aug 17° C
Sep 19° C
Oct 23° C
Nov 25° C
Dec 26° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Argentina - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Buenos Aires60
La Plata68
Puerto Iguazu73
Puerto Madryn70
San Miguel de Tucuman32

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