Is Argentina Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 80 / 100 based on 23 user reviews.

Argentina is a country located in the southern part of South America and it borders with Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay to the north, Uruguay to the northeast and Chile to the west.

In the east, Argentina boasts a gorgeous coastline.

Argentina is also known for its vast natural landscapes, rich wetlands, mountains that take your breath away, deserts, steppes, and massive ice fields as well as rich forests, and what tops it all off is the city life, namely Buenos Aires, which is like suddenly finding yourself in a moving train.

Despite the fact that Argentina is a very popular tourist destination, crawling with visitors (and pickpockets along with them), this country is among the safest ones in South America.

Warnings & Dangers in Argentina

Overall Risk


Overall, Argentina is a country where you should mostly feel safe. Follow general rules of precaution and your common sense, and your trip should go smoothly. Argentina's main issue is petty crime on the streets, since its rate is pretty high.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transportation in Argentina is mainly convenient and safe, you can travel by trains, buses, so-called "colectivos" and taxis. Just be careful and pre-order a taxi instead of hailing one down on the street, since you might get overcharged for the ride. 'Radio Taxis' are easily spotted – they are black and yellow in the Capital, and white with blue letters in the Provinces. They are the safest option when it comes to taxis, especially in the capital. Airport taxis in Buenos Aires are white and blue.

Pickpockets Risk


As mentioned, pickpockets and purse snatching are very common in Argentina, it is actually a constant risk. Cell phone snatching also happens so you should keep all your valuables out of sight. Avoid wearing purses and keep your money in a hidden place, not easily accessible by pickpockets. Also be wary of people trying to distract you, it might very well be a way to take your money.

Natural Disasters Risk


Unfortunately, Argentina is exposed to various natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and storms (pemperos) that can cause enormous flooding (usually hitting the pampas and the northeast). Volcanic activity is also typical for the Andes, near the border with Chile (the Copahue volcano, still active and sometimes causing evacuation of the residents).

Mugging Risk


Even though violent crime is not common it does happen. Since muggings are not a rarity, if you do not cooperate when in such situations, the muggers might not hesitate to use force in order to take your valuables. This is why you shouldn't resist if such situation occurs. Hand over everything you own. Also, express kidnapping can occur, where tourists are taken for a few hours and forced to withdraw all their money from an ATM, and then released, usually without being harmed.

Terrorism Risk


There haven't been any terrorist attacks in Argentina's recent history, but they shouldn't be ruled out. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Scams Risk


As in any other tourist destination, scams in Argentina are a regular occurrence. Double check your change, since you might get tricked, negotiate everything in advance to prevent being ripped off, and avoid hailing taxis on the street since you might get overcharged in an unlicensed taxi.

Women Travelers Risk


For a female solo traveler, Argentina should be generally safe. You should know that in the evenings you might receive some unwanted attention and whistles by men, so you should probably avoid areas near bars and clubs, and go by taxi, not on foot. Avoid walking alone in poorly lit and deserted areas. Other than that, you should encounter no problems.

So... How Safe Is Argentina Really?

Argentina is generally a safe country to travel to, it is actually among the safest ones in entire Latin America.

However, by no means does that imply that you should be carefree when visiting this country.

You have to be very careful when moving across Argentina, especially larger cities since its rate of petty theft are very high.

Most crimes in Argentina are in the form of petty theft, pickpocketing and bag snatching.

Unsuspecting tourists are targeted in restaurants or crowded places such as Buenos Aires bus station, Retiro.

You should always be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you or in a deposit box.

The places to avoid when in Buenos Aires are La Boca, San Telmo, Florida St., Congreso, and Retiro, since there have been many reports of robberies going on there.

Another safety issue in Argentina is unregistered taxis that pick you up when you hail them down on the street and then charge an enormous fee.

These are the general issues when it comes to safety on the streets of Argentina, but even after taking them into account, Argentina can be considered a safe country compared to some of the others in its vicinity.

How Does Argentina Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Most countries do not need a visa in order to enter Argentina if the purpose of the visit is tourism. Your passport should be valid during the duration of your stay, so no additional validity is necessary. However, if you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Argentine peso is the currency in Argentina. Avoid handling money near ATMs, you might get mugged. ATM's are commonly used and available throughout the country, and credit cards are mostly accepted in big cities as well as bigger hotels, restaurants, etc.



The climate in Argentina is mostly moderate, with cool, dry winters and humid, hot summers. January and February are the best months to travel to Argentina.



Ministro Pistarini International Airport, also known as Ezeiza International Airport (since it is located in the Ezeiza Partido in Greater Buenos Aires) is an international airport, 22 km south-southwest of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. It is also the country's largest international airport.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Argentina, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems, but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Argentina Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 25° C
Feb 24° C
Mar 23° C
Apr 19° C
May 16° C
Jun 13° C
Jul 12° C
Aug 14° C
Sep 15° C
Oct 18° C
Nov 21° C
Dec 24° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Argentina - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Buenos Aires60
La Plata68
Puerto Iguazu73
Puerto Madryn70
San Miguel de Tucuman32

Where to Next?

23 Reviews on Argentina

  1. G
    Gary Wikstrom, Ponta Delgada, Azores says:

    Recommended !

    We had 2 wonderful weeks in Argentina, visiting Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Cordoba and Iguazú.
    Friendly people and a trip the cataracts of Iguazú is worth every penny. And the Argentilian beef is out of this world ! Enjoy it with a glass or two of the excellent Medoc wine. If you are a golfer, you should try the Cordoba Golf Club at Vila Allende.

  2. Great month in argentina

    I love Argentina, people its so friendly imo its like been in europe. Also i.e. buenos aires is more safe than Paris . Many people speaks english but knowing a bit of spanish could be great. The south of Argentina is amazing specially Tierra del fuego

    1. M
      Mohammad Qasim says:


      I love him


    DO NOT GO ALONE IF YOU’RE A WOMEN! This information for solo female travelers is extremely misguiding,there are many assaults and rapes towards women in Argentina especially in smaller cities, please be careful.

    1. Same as small midwestern US towns mate, I don’t think you had ever visited this country.

  4. For people considering moving to Argentina, where would an Argentinian recommend you live if you have a budget of $2000USD a month for an apartment. Also, how much are electric fees, cable TV, phone and internet service?

    1. With 2000 USD you can live pretty much everywhere. I’d look for a nice apartment in recoleta or palermo in Buenos Aires.

  5. D
    Dolly.Sweety says:


    A person’s success does not depend on his wisdom, but perseverance

  6. Wrong Index

    As Argentinian I can tell that a 70% Safe Index is a Lie.
    The only place that could cover that rate is Capital Federal. Outside this place you could be killed only because you resisted to give your smartphone.
    If you hear a motorcycle coming to you…start running or hide as better as you can.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Dear Friend, if you live in Argentina, clearly you live in Buenos Aires. Step into Patagonia, The Pampas, the North and no one will care about your phone. Just need to watch yourself in big and medium cities, outside those you can relax.

    2. B
      Boredofh says:

      You are talking about the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Indeed, there are some areas in the “conurbano” that is better to avoid… even for us, locals. That being said, why would a tourist go to Lanús or Morón for example? Most tourists go to the City of Buenos Aires and then move on to any other tourist hot spot: Iguazú, Bariloche, El Calafate, Ushuaia, etc. And almost all those places are way safer than Buenos Aires (my beloved city).

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        My granny used to live in lanus as a child in the 50s and 60s until she moved to the country of her father, and grandparents, which is Britain (where I live and was raised).

  7. K
    Kenneth says:

    Beautiful country, magnificent capital

    I had visited all SA countriex except Venezuela and Argentina is not even close to be unsafe. Chile would be the only safer country right now. I got robbed at gun point in Montevideo.

    I tought because of the crisis it would be different but Buenos Aires is just magnificent. Very well maintaned and safe city. You will feel like if you were in a western european capital. Way safer than Paris.

    It’s basically the opposite to brazilian cities, even tough brazilians always brag about São Paulo and Río those cities are in complete decay, full of homeless (sometimes with tents all over like Skid Row), cables, abandoned buildings everywhere, danger in every corner and with the rich living in bunker towers while the middle class live in 35cm wide streets with no threes, full of graffities and fenced ugly houses.

    If you wanna have the whole latin experience visit Brazil, if you like something more sofisticated visit Argentina!

    1. Yo me Gusté Mucho de este país

      Agree 100%

  8. Lovely atmosphere

    Wonderful and safe destination.

  9. After backpacking trough South America I can tell than Argentina was the SAFEST place for us as youg women.

  10. C
    Christie says:

    I strongly recommend Argentina as a safest destination for women. It’s way better than most of Latin America specially Urban hell’s like Brazil

  11. Argentina IS NOT SAFE for women!

  12. P
    Paula Sánchez de Palugo says:

    NOT SAFE, very dangerous

    Too unsafe, reviews are fake, i suggest AVOID go there.

  13. Beautiful country with many impressive attractions

    I was in Argentina last year and from what I can tell it’s safe overall. Most cities and neighborhoods within cities are safe with some exceptions. Is it safe for women going alone? No, I wouldn’t say so. I wouldn’t recommend a single woman to come here because you will definitely attract the attention of some men that like to whistle or make you feel uncomfortable. And there’s more threats lurking for single women. But, if you come with a male friend or husband things are different.

    Argentina has a big problem with pickpockets, especially in the more crowded cities. I think that I saw at least 6-7 pickpockets operating in Buenos Aires, last time I was there. They will target phones, bags, laptops, cars left open or any valuables they can easily and quickly grab and then make a run for it. Usually, if you pay attention you will see or feel them coming and avoid them. But sometimes, if you’re not careful you might lose something valuable. Someone tried to steal my phone but fortunately I was quicker and held my ground and they ran.

    Now, let’s talk about some of the things one can visit in Argentina:

    1. Iguazu Falls – this place is amazing! It’s breathtaking and you must visit it. Take lots of pictures and make some videos as this will be something you want to remember… This place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for a reason.

    2. Tierra del Fuego National Park – 156,000-acre!!! of beautiful nature awaits in this huge park. If you’re a hiker then this is your paradise right here. There are trails for all levels of experience so anyone can go. Or you can choose to see everything from the comfort of the Southern Fuegian Railway train.

    3. Mendoza – One of the most beautiful cities from Argentina (and I may say the whole world) this Art Deco filled city will probably surprise you. I always wondered why this city is not more known?

    4. Ushuaia: The End of the World – what can I say about this place? It’s a spectacular mix of plains, plateaus and the Andes and it will take your breath away. There’s a lot to see and visit in this area.

    There are more but I would start with these 4.

  14. T
    Tanisha says:

    Really Safe

    I’ve felt super safe most of my time in Buenos Aires. Obviously. Like in every major city, there are some “tough” neighbors like Retiro or La Boca but if you just avoid them at night you will be fine. Patagonia is even better, nothing to envy about the safety in Canada.

Argentina Rated 4 / 5 based on 23 user reviews.

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