Savannah, Georgia is an old city on the coast of Georgia.
It was the first city in Georgia and was founded in 1733.
It claims to be the Hostess City, and is known for its classic southern charm and hospitality.
It is in the heart of East Coast alligator country.
There are plenty of them in the area, and some even get inside the city at times.

So… Are There Alligators in Savannah?
There are a lot of alligators in the Savannah area.
It does not happen often, but a random gator will occasionally wander into the city limits.
Police and game officials have had to rescue a few of them off highways and streets at times.
When that happens, they are taken to an area where there are a lot of alligators and released.
The Savannah Wildlife Refuge is just seven miles north of downtown, and there are hundreds of alligators there.
The refuge has a couple of loops you can drive through, as well as a lot of hiking trails.
On any given day, you can go there and see alligators.
They are around more in the summer but can be found throughout the year.
Gators often bask in the sun during the day and are very visible.
They are not a threat in this state.
They look for food at night and it would be dangerous to be around them then.
The Savannah River goes through the city, and it is also a haven for alligators.
There are barrier islands along the coastal areas around Savannah, and those areas also have plenty of alligators.
There are also a few resorts, such as Hilton Head Island, across the river in South Carolina, that also get some Gators visiting golf courses.
Alligators like swampy areas and slow-moving or still bodies of water.
There are a lot of places around Savannah that fit that description and may have alligators.
These reptiles like to stay away from people as much as possible, so you likely will not see one unless you want to.
As more people move into the area, there are more interactions between humans and alligators.
The Okefenokee Swamp is a huge swamp in South Georgia, about 100 miles from Savannah.
This swamp has an estimated 10,000 alligators, making it the largest alligator area in the state.
It is a very large area, about 400,000 acres, and has a wide variety of protected wildlife.
Alligator Species in Savannah
There are only one species of the alligator that is common to Georgia and the southeastern United States.
That alligator is the common American Alligator.
There are only two species of alligators in the world, and the other one lives in China.
Alligators are part of the Crocodile family and are technically crocodiles, but not all crocodiles are alligators.
There is the Native American Crocodile that lives on the southern tip of Florida.
A third species, the spectacled caiman, is also a crocodile that was introduced in the United States many years ago.
In the Savannah area, you will only find American Alligators.
Is it Safe to Swim in Savannah?
It is safe to swim in Savannah, and there are a lot of places where you can swim.
There are also a lot of dangers you need to be aware of, but with some precautions and common sense, you can avoid most dangers that are out there.
There is a great beach very close to Savannah, called Tybee Island, where a lot of people go swimming.
You are very unlikely to run into an alligator there, but it can happen.
The Savannah River has alligators, and there is some pollution, as well as obstacles in the water, which make it unsafe.
Swamps or marshes, or even ponds, should also be avoided as there could be an alligator lurking there.
Alligators don’t like salt water and avoid it for the most part.
There are dangers though, in swimming in the ocean.
There are jellyfish that can bite you and leave a very painful sting.
There are several other creatures too that can hurt you, such as stingrays.
Both of those are usually pretty obvious and are easy to avoid.
There are tides, and rip-tides, to be concerned about.
Lifeguards usually know about these and will warn you if you are at the beach. Listen to their advice and you should avoid any problems.
There have been stories about people being hurt by alligators and other creatures of nature, but they do not happen often.
If you are observant and avoid posted dangers, you are unlikely to get injured or killed while swimming around the Savannah area.
While alligators can get very big, and could do a lot of damage to a person, it is a rare occurrence.
From 1991 until 2014, nine people were killed by alligators in the United States.
In that same time period, nearly 500 people were killed by dogs, and 900 were killed by insect bites in the United States.
Interesting Alligator Facts in Savannah
There are a significant number of alligators in the Savannah area but they tend to stay away from populated areas.
There is very rarely an alligator on Tybee Island beach, for instance, but there are some on the other side of that island.
There are several remote barrier islands in the area and most of them have alligators.
Alligators are essential to the environment and contribute heavily to their ecosystem.
They create holes called “gator holes” that are wide and deep and are used as nests.
These holes collect rainwater and offer sustenance to many species of fish during dry periods.
Alligators were hunted heavily for their hide and were nearly extinct by 1970 due to overhunting.
They were declared an endangered species and hunting them was banned for a time.
Wildlife officials managed to get the situation under control and now there is a healthy population of alligators all along the eastern and gulf coasts of the United States.
Alligators are cold-blooded reptiles, meaning their body temperature is close to the temperature around them.
In cold weather, they can go dormant, into a state called brumation, which is similar to what mammals do during hibernation.
Their system slows down greatly and they move very little.
Alligators can live up to 60 years.
Scientists believe the brumation periods are part of what helps them live such long lives.

Alligators vs. Crocodiles
Alligators are part of the crocodile family, so all alligators are crocodiles.
There are only two species of alligator, one in the United States and one in China, and all the rest of these types of reptiles are called crocodiles.
There is one crocodile that lives in the southern end of Florida, and that is the only place in the world where you can find both crocodiles and alligators living together.
Alligators prefer freshwater locales, and cannot tolerate salt water for very long.
Crocodiles, on the other hand, like saltwater and do fine in the ocean surf.
Alligators are dark green, and generally a darker color than their crocodile cousins.
Alligators have a wider snout and their teeth are hidden when they close their mouths.
Crocodiles have a narrower snout and their teeth are visible when their mouth is closed.
3 Safety Tips for Swiming in Alligator-infested Waters
You could come across an alligator while swimming in the Savannah area, but it is not likely, and the waters are certainly not infested.
Here are three safety tips to keep in mind when swimming in Savannah, just to remain safe.
- Stay on the beach. Alligators rarely go to the beach and they don’t like salt water. There may be some dangers in the ocean, but alligators are not one of them. Avoid swimming in swamps or slow-moving water, which is where alligators like to hang out.
- Don’t swim at night. Alligators are active at night. That is when they are looking for food. If they are going to bother you, it will be at night, so don’t go swimming in the dark. If you do happen to see an alligator, stay at least 50 feet away, and avoid it as much as possible. If there is one in the water near you, you should get out of the water and report it to game officials.
- Swim in designated areas. Swim only in areas that are designated for swimming. Local officials know the area very well and they know where it is safe. This is especially true if you are not a local person. Avoid swimming anywhere that is prohibited or if there are alligator warnings.
There are a lot of alligators in the Savannah, Georgia area.
You can easily find them to look at them, but don’t try to interact, or otherwise harass them.
They rarely hurt people, but they can, and they will if they feel threatened.
It is very rare to see one in the city, or on the nearby beaches, but you can still find them easily enough.
Savannah Safety Overview
READ THE FULL REPORT: Savannah Safety Review
Safety Index:
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it a bad thing to feed alligators?
Anything other than fish or other critters would be bad for an alligator to eat.
Even so, you should also not dispose of fish scraps when cleaning your fish in the water.
That is, in essence feeding the alligators.
When you feed them they start to associate food with humans, and they will start approaching people a lot more, hoping for some food.
They can become a nuisance, or they can get aggressive and hurt people in those situations.
It is not good for the alligator, and not good for other people, for you to feed them.
What, and how much, do alligators eat?
Because of how their bodies function, alligators do not need to eat a lot or eat often.
They do not need to eat every day.
According to Georgia wildlife officials, a 100-pound dog would eat more in a year than a 1,000-pound alligator would eat.
Gators stalk their prey at night.
Alligators are considered “opportunist” eaters, meaning they will eat whatever is available and are good at adapting to many kinds of food.
Adult alligators eat fish, snakes, turtles, birds, and small mammals.
They are known to eat dogs, so keep your dogs away from them.
Young alligators eat insects, amphibians, and small fish.
Where is the best place to see alligators around Savannah, Georgia?
The best place would be the Savannah Wildlife Refuge, which is just seven miles north of downtown.
It is a swampy area that feels remote even though it is close to town.
There are a couple of roads you can drive on and some hiking trails.
It’s easiest to see alligators from your car as you drive through.
Usually, they are lying in the sun relaxing and will not bother you.
They can get aggressive if they feel threatened, so you should never get too close or try to interact in any way with these creatures.