Why do you travel?
What attracts you to foreign countries: food, people, culture?
Or is it an opportunity to post thousands of stunning or weird photos of yourself that friends would like anyway?
Travel has always been popular.
And sharing your path with someone else is not bad for many reasons.
See the couples on Instagram that you can follow.
They’ll inspire and surprise you, no doubt.
1. @coupleofmen
Karl and Daan are a gay couple from Amsterdam who travels the world.
They’ve got thousands of funny and inspiring loving photos on Instagram and on their personal website.
From Canada to Denmark, they visit summer and winter events.
They ski, skydive, and bring up an extremely cute baby boy.
They share the best places to be, restaurants to eat, and things to do worldwide.

2. @gettingstamped
Adam and Hannah do not like to count the countries they’ve been to.
But if you ask, they have takes stunning professional photos of more than 80 countries in the world.
Originally from Milwaukee, they traveled from Alaska to Africa and had even converted their minivan to a campervan.
Follow this couple’s Instagram and website to feel the inflow of energy.

3. @wheninroaming
They quit their jobs to travel the world.
They share everything: their ups and downs, adventures and challenges, countries and cities, pictures and stories.
Eli and Travis are a Dominican-American and an African-American who once met in a college dorm hallway in Philadelphia.
These guys just share their love for the planet with you.

4. @hikersincrime
Amy and Nathan are a couple of Americans in their 30’s who met in Scotland and got married.
What happens when you start following them?
They share ideas on romantic getaways and trips for people in love.
Besides, you will get useful advice, date ideas and read personal stories that can resemble much of yours.
Amy is the language of the website and Instagram page, while Nathan is the eyes of both sharing photos and pictures.
They do all this for you.

5. @whenbrazilmetgreece
What would you do to be with your significant other 24/7?
Thanks to travel, these two are always close by.
They enjoy the world and bring their experiences and adventures to you.
Greek and Brazilian live their dream and invite you to follow.

6. @ourtravelpassport
After Samantha and Ryan got married, they fell in love with another one.
The world.
They loved the idea of traveling together so much that they dedicated most of their precious time to adventures, taking lovely photos, and sharing it with the rest of the world.
If you want to be closer to them, check their Instagram, YouTube channel, blog, or other social media accounts.
Get inspired!

7. @lesbinomadic
In 72 countries in the world, declaring that you love someone of the same sex, or transgender, bisexual or intersexual means committing a crime.
This queer traveling couple strives to change the world by sharing their love, thoughts, and advice.
They seem to make this world a better place for everyone.
Maartje and Roxanne love writing, photographing and life.

8. @workingwayfarers
This is a call from Daisy and Nenad, two working wayfarers who do not like staying in their comfort zones at all.
They go snowboarding, cruising, hiking, canoeing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and doing all the sorts of things every traveler would like to experience.
To share with you and inspire you for the next vacation of a lifetime.